Blue vains

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Lance POV


The most pathetic thing to do
It makes you vonderable to anything
It's a weakness

Yet here I am crying my eyes out trying to fall asleep

And yet you think ' how pathetic of you to cry over your family, your not the only one out here without a family, there Pidge, hunk , shiro heck Keith allura and coran don't even have a family!'

That was the last thing I heard before I ran into my room

But do you know what's worse.....


Am I really that pathetic and useless as they say?
Maybe I should leave?
Would they ever care?
Would they even notice?

Probably not

But I promised hunks and Pidge's family that I will look after them when we're gone.
And I NEVER brake a promise!

But how can I take care of then if I can't even take care of myself!!

7 th wheel
No good

I can't get that voice out of my head, and it hurts so much!
And none came to help!
None sees the pain in my eyes!
None hears the cries at night!

Why would they?...
I'm useless....

Hunk POV


Just wow
I don't even know how to explain what just happened

One minute we were all laughing and talking/ explaining what earth was like then lance started to cry. I asked him if he was alright but he just staired blankly at me and then shiro said his name and he just bulted out of the lounge and he was gone.

All of us staired in shock for a few moments to process if we said anything that would trigger something for lance. We looked at each other finally shiro spoke.
" Keith did anything happen between you and lance today?"
I looked at shiro in the most shocked face I could make
Why would he instantly go right to Keith?

" what... no why would you blame me for Lance's actions all the time! I'm not his mind I can't control or read his thoughts! And how do you know if it was me maybe he we said something about the ocean or Cuba for quiznack sake why is it always audiomatiaclly my fault!"
Keith yelled at shiro standing tall and alpha like in his face. Shiro crosses his arms
" get. Out. Of. My. Face"
Keith slowly backs up and leaves the room. I m still looking at shiro in the most shocked way.
Pidge opens her mouth
Shiro smacked her with his non robotic arm. That's when he crossed my line. I got up and punched shiro right in the nook of the face he blackout instantly

I picked Pidge up and she hugged me I told her to go stand bye Lance's room. She nodded and ran to his room. I new just where to find Keith
I walked to the training room to find Keith battling 4 robots.
" end trading sequence!"
I yell Keith looks at me and I open up my arms he drops his sword and ran straight into my arms. I stumbled backwards but quickly regained my balance. He cried and I rubbed circles in his back to clam him down . Once he was done I picked him up and brought him to Lance's room to find Pidge sleeping by the door and a red mark on her cheek. I put Keith down beside Keith and knocked on Lance's door.


I knocked again


One more time


" lance you better not be dead or naked in there because I'm coming in"
I yelled making Pidge giggle in her sleep. I typed in his password and the door opened to find it dark I turned the lights on to find it empty. I panicked
Pidge saw it to and looked inside.
" lance s..stop playing around now"
She stutters which caused Keith to look in to. Pidge got up and walked towards the desk and she found a note and schemed the paper. She dropped to and ran down the hallway. Me and Keith looked at each other and then followed Pidge down the hallway. Suddenly the castles alarms went off. We all ran to the control panel to be met with motors face .
" hello paladins"
K " what do you want lotor?!"
" whatch your tune with me mr Red "
Then he chuckled
" I have my reasons to call but this one considering me?... it seems that a pod from your ship is coming right here but I don't see your lions or the castle? And that's very strange to my do t you think"
I looked at Pidge abd she started yelling
" lotor capture that ship or I cut your hair off in the next battle!"
Lotor s face went blank I almost laughed he touched his hair and scowled at Pidge
" you wouldn't dare!"
" try me cow!"
Lotor shut the screen off and I burst out laughing, keith and Pidge did too. The doors opened and in came allura can coran.
" where's shiro"
Pidge asked
" he's in the medical room after hunk punched him unconscious we brought him there."
Coran said
" why are you all laughing?"
Allura asked quite confused at the whole situation at task.
" Pidge said something to lotor about his hair"
I said then she started to laughter to
Coran giggles a little then stopped and looked around.
" where's number 3 ?"
He asked. I looked at Pidge with an awnser.
" he was on that pod, but when he comes back we're keeping an eye on him"
She said and I nodded Keith, allura and coran soon after.

( PS I know that this is kinda getting off topic but I'm trying I'm really trying)

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