The wrong house part two

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Once a peace full land full of frolicking butterflies and dancing trees was now.... well let me just tell you

Lance finally finished packing his bag. Reviewing what he had packed and added on through out the packing he officially has around 1 full cart packed to it's full potential. The young Gryffindor walked out of the dorms in all his robes to the grand hall meeting up with the ravenclaw and slytherin who  were waiting patiently for the gryffindor to arrive.
" well I honestly thought you two would be more excited for my arrival"
Keith looked up and rolled his eyes. Standing up he said.
" spending more then just school hearing your annoying voice yippee"
Keith's sarcastic tone of voice didn't go unnoticed by a certain ravenclaw.
" Keith.. yes lance we're both very excited "
Shiro smiles which was genuine and true on many levels. Lance smiled and looked back to Keith rolling his eyes at the boy walking to the doors.
" let's get going before Keith turns the train inside out with that lotor boy. "
Lance nodded and walked with shiro.
When the two boys finally meet up with Keith who at this moment did not look anything like keith. At the moment the raven haired boy had a very pail fist in the hardly distinguishable face of the so called syltherin. Shiro just face palmed at the sence infront of him. Lotor laughed at the knocked out Keith on the ground groaning from the most likely concussion caused by the very heavy blow.ahiro picked up the very unconscious child of war and carried him into the the train and found a cabin nearby completely vacant.
" I'll look for ice"
Lance said quitly and left the cabin. Shiro looked at Keith and layed him down on the bench while lance came back carrying ice everywhere.
" magic is officially not aloud "
Lance said. He handed the ice bags to shiro who took them and carefully placed them on Keith's face. The child groaned at the ice cold touch on his face
" that's what you get "
Shiro whispered. Lance looked out the window at the senaray passing by.
Not long after sleep passed through lance a very painful pain surrounded the gyriffindores cheek. Blood splattered the window in a small puddle. The blurry vision and fuzzy hearing fogged the boys mind as the pain got worse and worse.
" keith!"
Was all that lance heard before passing out on shiros shoulder.

The rest of the ride was very peaceful mostly because Keith was in to much pain to talk and lance was passed out. When the train finally stopped at the station lance woke up and freaked out when he felt the bruising on his cheek. A lot went down but to put it in short both boys needed more ice then Antarctica and lots of stitching. The car ride back to the house was worse but there's not enough time to talk.

Once the house came into view shiro could sense the releif on his hands.
" ok boys were entering the station"
" uuugh"
Keith put his head in his hands accidentally putting pressure on the newly formed bruise.
" owww"
" that's what you get for fighting"
Keith rolled his eyes. Lance stayed silent remembering when his siblings finally came home and they would tell stories of that year and new lessons. But when the vehicle stoped the daydreaming lance broke out.

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