Self degrading

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Sometimes , your mind can be the killer

Lance loved his team, his new space family . He appreciates them just as much as they do to him. Yes they agrue with one another but what family doesn't am I right? And the fights are usually just pent up energy releasing. After fights lance is the one to comfort anyone who needs it and both parties make up. Dinner is the best , talking about the day and the adventures that awaits them in the morning.

After the dishes are cleaned and put away. They each head off to bed or to tinker. While lance starts his skin care routine.

" hey lance wanna help pidge with the gaming system she's trying to install?"

Hunk out his hand on the boy's shoulder after one meal.

" no thanks dude, I'm off to my skin care routine, can't look this good with out it"

Both boys chuckle and nod walking separate ways. Lance walked to his room humming a toon from his child hood. Slowly walking looking at the walls that could go on forever if he wasn't familiar with the path. Once reaching his door lance walked in, pretty tired but willing to start his skin care. Taking off his jacket and shirt tossing them to the bed lance headed to his bathroom slipping on his robe. Opening the drawer with his masks and creams .

" so witch one of you beautiful girls shall do the honours of being on my skin?"

Dragging his finger along the lids till he found one that he wanted to use.

" ah, well it's your lucky day "

Unscrewing the kid and rubbing the mask on to his face lance smiled, he loved th way the cold goo felt setting on his skin. After covering his face lance washed the extra off his hands and out the jar away in the drawer. Setting the timer he walked back to his bed now putting his jacket and shirt into the laundry basket and slipping off his pants. Pulling out the altean PJs allura gave him and setting them nicely on the bed . Heading to the closet and grabbing a towel lance headed to the shower turning on the water to heat up as the timer went off.

Lance ringed his face and dabble a face towel to dry the extra water droplets. Taking off his robe when lance heard a knock.

" who is it?"

Lance turned off the water and put his robe back on. Opening his door to see shiro standing there.

" hello lance , coran just wanted me to inform you that he is heading to the space mall tomorrow, he said you had a list?"

Lance nodded and went to his desk pulling out a long strip of paper with words on it from tooth brush, to stickers. Handing the list to shiro lance closed the door and headed to the bathroom.

Half way through his shower a loud pounding at the door made lance jump and fall in the tub.

" Jesus!"

Lance said as he turned off the water groaning and standing up careful not to slip. The pounding continued as he scurried out the bathroom with a towel loosely around his waist . Opening the door to see what looked like a ghost but turned out to be a very flour covered Keith.

" whoa there ghost boy, I thought you could go through walls "

Lance chuckles at his own joke and Keith still stares at him.

" did you do this?!? "

Taken back by his tone of voice lance shock his head

" I've been in here the whole time . Taking a shower! "

Lance gestures to his wet skin and hair. Keith didn't take his word for it and still flared at lance.

" look man, maybe hunk out the flour away wrong and it feel?"

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