Holy Hot Damn

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I swear to God if Corrine dials Colin's number one more time she gotta die. She has to.

We are at his house chilling watching Frozen because apparently Prince Colin just has to watch Disney movies before every single game. I don't really mind but a big ass quarterback watching Disney movies is funny.

Even though Colin insisted we watch Frozen he's not even paying attention he's too busy kissing and touching on me while I'm trying to figure out what exactly him and Corrine were talking about last night.

He never told us what happened he just kind of sat there and stared in space for like twenty minutes and we didn't dare to ask what happened. I legit think she tries to play the whole "I was pregnant but I got rid of it because I didn't want to hold you back" card.

He does not need to be talking to her at all because she's bad for him.

I'm sitting here halfway watching the movie and halfway in my feelings when Let It Go comes on. As soon as I start singing Colin wants to act up.

"Conceal." *kiss*

"Don't feel..." *kiss*

"Don't let them know..." *tongue down my throat*

"Colin!" I whine. "Pay attention to the movie." I say with my voice quivering because he kissed that spot on my neck.

"No." he mumbles while he gropes my boob.

His phone rings and I already know it's Corrine and I go to reach for it but Colin damn near body slams me into the sofa pinning me down so I can't get to his phone.

"You are not answering it. I know you well enough that you will not be nice at all and then you gonna threatin' her and she's gonna try to have you arrested then I'm gonna have to kill her. We can't have that." he states obviously.

He didn't have to body slam me like that though. Rude.

I have no comeback because he's right. The phone rings again and I just lay under Colin with a the blankest face ever. If he didn't answer the first five times what the hell made her think he was gonna answer it...

"I wanna block her number so bad but if I do that she's just gonna go even more crazy and try some shit." he says rolling his eyes.

I hate seeing him so aggravated. It makes me aggravated too.

He sighs in frustration and I push him off of me and I sit in his lap.

"What are you thinkin'?" I ask him.

"How cute your accent is." he laughs. I smile at him and he takes my hand and kisses the inside of my wrist.

"Really though, I'm thinkin' about how she just came back into my life like nothing ever happened and expects me to just let her back in. Nothin' she can say will ever change my feelin's about her. I don't want it gettin' to the point where me and you end up fussin' about her and you leave me because that's what she wants. I don't know what I'd do if you left me because of her..."

"Colin, I would never ever leave you unless you wanted me to. I hope it doesn't get to that point but we've got each other if she does try something. It's me and you and I know you'd do the same for me. All she wants is your attention. She miss you bae." I say laughing at the end.

"I don't miss her and I'm too busy giving all of my attention to you so there's no more left for her, bae."

The 21 year old country girl comes out of me and I get mad. "Let it fuckin' be known that she a lame and she can miss you with the bullshit. Ain't nobody worried about her, so how the hell she just gonna swoop the fuck in and want you to drop everything for her wanna be ass. You better stop her before I get to her Colin." I say pouting and rolling my eyes.

After my little rant Colin busts out laughing hard as ever. "You're so cute when you're mad. You're like a kitten trying to be all hard and tough." he says giggling. Why is he giggling at me? This man is actually giggling...

We can never have a serious moment because he's always joking my accent.

"You're just a hater Colin."

Even though Colin looks fine, I can tell he's not fine at all. He's tense as hell.

"Colin you have to relax... Please... You have a game tomorrow night."

He sighs and leans back into the couch. I pull my hair back away from my face and he runs his hands up and down my body staring into my eyes. I blush and get off his lap. He looks at me questioningly and I haul ass upstairs and he's right down behind me.

I jump on his bed and he straddles my waist. "Don't ever run away from me..." he said in a deep voice. Aw hell his deep voice is so sexy.

He pins my wrists up above my head with one hand and runs his other hand up and down my body groping a boob every now and then. I stare at him with wide eyes and then he grinds down into me.

I gasp and he smirks down at me and then winks. He bites his bottom lip and then takes off his shirt. I'm in shambles.

He grabs my wrists again and then does this body roll thing and then grinds into me harder.

Colin Kaepernick is giving me a damn lap dance in his bed. My nasty Nupe is on top of me just going straight to work with his sexy ass moves and I'm in straight shock at what he's doing.

He lets go of my wrist and runs his hands over his torso and then lays down on top of me grabbing my left leg and wrapping it around his hip. He licks a trail from my neck to my ear and then kisses his way back down.

Colin gets off of me and I frown but he just smiles. He grabs my hand and pulls me off the bed.

"Lay on the floor..." he instructed and I do so. He backs up and does that sexy thing where dives down in slow motion and then strokes his hips into mine.

Holy hot damn... I just wanna take this moment to thank God for letting Colin be a Kappa in college so he could learn how to do this.

I love my man so much. Fun times like this makes us forget about the outside world just for a while and I live for these moments.

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