Chapter four

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Shiro took the lead in Black pushing his lion slightly in front of the others. The rest of the team fell into their usual formation and as one they moved toward the distress signal.

"Alright guys keep this formation. We have to get there quickly but safely." The Black paladin says in a solid voice. Eyes shifting to his radar to check that his orders were being followed.

All member signaled that they heard, except for Pidge who currently felt as though she was about to see her half eaten altean fruit again. Don't throw up. Don't throw up. She repeated to herself like a mantra. But if any of the members noticed the green paladins absence of agreement no one commented.

They continued at a steady place for a while, the lions letting out low rumbles every so often.

After a good while of smooth flying the lion's alarms went off and all five lions brought up a map that showed a meteor field that was standing between them and the signal.

"Should we change our course?" Keith asked, his face coming on everyone's dashboard.

"Is there a faster way around Pidge?" Shiro asked his facing joining Keith's.

The green paladin leaned forward to click the button that would stop the camera from working but fixing it to where she could still talk clearly. Not trusting her self to not look like the color of her lion if her picture were to pop up with the others on the dash like Shiro's and Keith's.

"I'm not finding any alternative route that would decrease our arrival time." She informs the group, her eyes scanning the map that Green had pulled up for her.

"Alright then we will continue forward." Both faces disappeared and they continued forward until they got to the first layer of rocks.

Lance circled his lion to the front pawing at a stray meteor much like a house cat would a ball of string. "So are we just gonna go straight through?"

Keith moved his lion to hover beside Blue "We don't have time for this. People could be dying at the other side of this signal!" Keith says. His hot headed ness flaring up. "The smaller lions should go on ahead. Pidge and I could make it in half the time it would take the rest of y'all."

Black let's out a growl at this and it's paladin doesn't seem any more amused. "Keith. That may be true but my teams safety is my top priority. We go as one."

Pidge, who was still finding it hard to focus on something other than her nausea, tried to kept her emotions in check. The added hormones that raged in her tiny body made it hard for her not to get frustrated with her current sickness and anger at her bickering team mates.

Recently it seemed that they were too closely bonded in her opinion. But it did mean they were now able to form voltron at record speeds, and she had to admit it was comforting to have such a tightly bonded team she could rely on.

Another thing that had changed was how the lions were acting. They seemed to be more and more animated. Almost seeming to come to life and have their own personalities. Pidge had some theories as to why this was happening but all of them competed and rejected by her science loving brain. So she just had to settle for the fact that it was happening.

These unexplainable changes meant she had to keep a close eye on this strengthened bond and make sure she wasn't letting on that something was wrong.

Pidge decides to break into the conversation at hand when it was clear that the boys, Keith and Lance for splitting Shiro and Hunk for staying together, were just going in circles with their arguments.

"I say we split up." Pidge interrupting what ever Shiro's next argument was going to be. "Keith is right we would be able to get there much faster than the bigger lions." She finishes, finally opening her video feed so her face would be shown to the others.

Hey guys! Long time no write. My bad!
Sorry to cut it off like that but I guess y'all will have to wait and see wether the team will listen to their favorite green paladin.
Till next time!
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