The move

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(Matt's POV)
I woke up that morning to the sound of boxes shuffling around on the floor, I turned over and looked at my alarm clock to see that it was 9am I ran my hand through my blonde hair before getting up off of the bed. I walk down stairs, to find my step mom in the kitchen with, my little sister Mia and my brother Ethan, Mia shared my blonde hair but had blue eyes, while me and Ethan had green eyes and he had brown hair, everyone always says how me and Mia look like our mom while Ethan looks like our dad. Jennifer our step mom was currently making us breakfast, she looked up when she heard my footsteps entering the kitchen, "Hey Matt, I'm making waffles if you want any before going to Erika's house" she said before turning her attention back to the stove to flip the bacon that she was currently making, even though her and my dad have been married for 6 years I still can't call her mom. Its not that I dont think of her like my own mother because I do, I just think that by calling her mom it's like I'm forgetting my own mom in a way, but she and I are both in agreement with me calling her jennifer. "Thanks for the offer Jennifer but I'll have to pass I'm already running late, I told Erika I was going to be there by 10". She looks a little disappointed that I won't be joining them for breakfast but nods her head "Have you told her about us moving yet" she asking looking at me, I shake my head as an answer "Well you're going to have to tell her sometime Matt, we are leaving next week after all" Jennifer says that while putting plates of food in front of Mia and Ethan who have been playing cards the entire time I nod turning on my heel and starting to go back up stairs "I know, I have to tell her", with that I head up to my room to get a shower and get ready.

As I turn on the shower I think about Jennifer's word and how she was right, we were moving next week and I still haven't told Erika. It's not like I haven't wanted to tell her but I know that once I do she'll go and tellt he whole school, and I dont want to make a big deal out of me moving. That was probably my least favorite thing about Erika, she always had to tell everyone what was going on even if it wasn't their business to know, don't get me wrong I like her but I knew that once I moved our relationship wouldn't last much longer, we have been going out for about a month, she's a really pretty girl with dark brown hair and bright blue eyes, but she always seems to dramatize everything. I had been thinking about breaking up with her for awhile, but could never actually do it, I'm the type of guy that always has to be in a relationship, I hate being single and all alone, so call me a bad person because that's the only reason I stayed with her, but it was better than breaking up with her and dealing with all the drama that she would cause. I stepped out of the shower a few moments later and dried off, and go dressed. After throwing on a dark blue T-shirt and some dark wash jeans I spiked my hair up and brushed my teeth, I left the bathroom and sat down on my bed, and put on my white sneakers, once I had my shoes secured on my feet, I got up and grabbed my phone off my dresser. Checking the time and seeing that I was already 30 minutes late I grabbed my keys and jogged downstairs. I pasted Mia sitting on the couch watching t.v she turned around once she heard me "are you going to go break up with Erika", she asked me in her little 6 year old voice, I was a bit surprised by her question, so I shook my head "No, I'm just gonna tell her about us Moving Mia" I say looking down at my phone to see that I had two missed calls from Erika and three texts "you know I can tell when you're lying Mattie" Mia said looking at me with her big blue eyes, I was getting a little tired of standing around talking to her so I said "look I don't know if we're going to break up, okay, but if we do its none of your business", and with that I walked out of the house, shutting the door behind me. I opened the door to my truck and got into the driver's seat, I put the key into the ignition and backed out of my driveway, heading towards Erika's house.

I arrived at Erika's house fifthteen minutes later, I pulled up in her drive way and looked up at the huge house, being an only child Erika's parents were loaded with money, they were both big time lawyers and were usually never home. I got out of the truck and shut the door, I walked towards the house and knocked on the door, about a minute later Elana their housekeeper opened the door, she was a really nice lady, she's been working for Erika's family for all of Erika's life and she acts more like a mother to her than her own mother does. "Oh, hello Matt, Erika is just up in her room" she says with a smile opening the door wider so that I could enter the house, I nod at her nicely, then I head up the elegant staircase that leads to Erika's room. I remember the first time I came over to her house I thought her parents were millionaires, but it just turned out that they had a lot of money and only had one child to spend it on, that's why Erika was so spoiled because her parents bought her everything she wanted, she always had the newest stuff, it was one of the main reasons for her popularity. I get to the top of the stairs case and go down the hallways that leads to her room, the door is cracked so I nudge it open and entered the room.

Erika is sitting on her bed in a white crop top and blue skinny jeans, her hair is curled so that it falls in waves to her back and she's wearing an enormous amount of makeup. Thats another thing that I dont like about her she always wears a ton of makeup even though she is just as pretty with hardly any on. She's on her phone so she doesnt hear, or see me when I come in I clear my throat to let my presence be known, she looks up at me "you're late" she says in a tone that some might say was angry but was just how Erika usually talked "sorry, babe I had woken up late" I say heading over to her bed to take a seat next to her. She leans over to give me a quick kiss on the lips before smiling "its fine, so what did you want to talk to me about" she says looking at me with concern. "Im moving Erika" I say, I realized on the ride over here that it was useless Sugar coating it and I had decided to just say it "what" she looks at me confused for a minute "Im moving to Florida" I say thinking that she just didn't hear me correctly. "No, you can't be moving to florida" she says standing up and walking away from the bed." I am though, next week" I say standing up and walking over to where she was pacing around the room, and I picked up her hand in mine, she looks up at me, and then slides her hands out of mine to put them on the side of her head, almost like this news was hurting her head, "next week, and you're just now telling me this" she starts to get angry and turns to face me "you're just now telling me that you're moving to Florida, next week, why didnt you ask me first, that should have been a decision that we made together Matt" she says looking up at me and heading back towards the bed. I laugh and she turns her head quickly to look at me "What, this has nothing to do with you Erika, so no this wasn't a decision that we should have made together, and I had no choice in it, it was my dads choice to leave so we are okay" I say getting angry at how she thinks she can control my life for me. "Whatever, just give me some time to think about this okay Matt" she says looking at me kinda sadly. "What is there to think about Erika, I'm leaving and as soon as I do we both know this relationship is going to fall apart" I say, suddenly regretting my words after I say them, "what" she says in disbelief. "We're not going to last if I'm there and you're here, you're not going to have me to drag around to all the stupid stuff that you do okay" I say finally realizing how she would always drag me to this stupid stuff with her, just so she would seem more popular because she had me as a boyfriend. "Just get out Matt, we're done" she says, tears filling her eyes, "Whatever" I say rolling my eyes and walking out of the room, I head down the stairs and start out the front door, "that was a short talk, I'm going to assume that you're not going to come back here anymore" Elana says walking out of the kitchen, I stop and turn towards her "No, plus I'm moving so I don't think it would have worked out anyways" I say with a sad smile, she gives me a sad smile in return "Well for what its worth I know that she really liked you" she says before walking towards me and giving me a hug, I huge her back and whisper in her ear "Goodbye elana", I pull back from the hug and walk out of the door to my truck, I get in and start it up, I pull out of their driveway and head towards my house.
*Authors note*
Hey guys so this is my new book. And I'm really excited to write it. But I do need a cover for it so if anyone would like to make one for it, I would really appreciate it. Also please vote so that I know you guys like it.
Thank you ❤

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