Before she knew

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(Ambers POV)
I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock going off I groaned and reached over and turned it off, not that it helped, because I was already wide awake, I knew there was no point laying here and trying to go back to sleep so I got up and walked to the bathroom. I looked up in the mirror and cringed a little at my appearance, my hair was a knotted mess, and my eyes looked bloodshot. I turned on the shower, and started stripping off my clothes. I got in and let the warm water cascade down my body, and relax my muscles. When I get down I change into a pair of ripped black skinny jeans and a white 90's band t-shirt, I decide to leave my hair down and let it air dry, I put on a minimum amount of makeup and then I head downstairs.

I look around the house and see that none of my other family members are home. I walk to the kitchen and fix me a bowl of cereal, I start eating my cereal when my phone chimes, signaling that I have a message. I unlock it and see that Emma had texted me "hey do you want to go shopping today" I think about my plans that I had today with Jake then I decide to cancel them and go shopping instead. I text her back yes then I head upstairs to get ready.

An hour and a half later I'm standing in front of my mirror looking over my outfit, I had changed my jeans for a black skirt that fell a couple of inches above the knee and I changed my band T-shirt to a white blouse, I wore black high tops and my hair in. braid to the side. I grabbed my phone and walk outside. Once ive made sure that the house was all locked up I text Emma and tell her that I'm outside. About five minutes later see pulls up and honks the horn for me to get in, I opened the door and side into the passenger seat, she looks at my outfit and then says "you look lovely, you got a boyfriend that you havent told me about that you're trying to impress" I laugh in response as she pulls out of our drive way and starts towards the mall.

Three hours later me and Emma are sitting in the food court with bags loaded with clothes sitting at our feet. We had just stop shopping, and had decided to get lunch. We were choosing between a Chinese restaurant and Chick fil a, I wanted Chinese and Emma wanted chick fil a so we had decided to play rock paper scissors, to make our choice up, I chose but she chose paper earning her the win. I got up and followed her to the line, they're was only an elderly couple in front of us despite that it was Sunday and the mall was packed. When Emma had got done ordering I stepped forward and looked up at the menu, I decided to get chicken tenders and a coke, I look up at the cashier to find a boy with sandy blonde hair and brown eyes staring at me waiting for me to place my order, I quickly ordered and pay, then I moved to the pick up line to receive my food. An older guy calls Emma's number to anounce that her food is ready, she reaches forward and grabs her bag and mumbles a thank you before hurring off to our table. I stand around and wait for about another five minutes before my number is called, I walk up to grab my bag to see that the older guy isn't there anymore and has been replaced with that cute cashier, I grab my food and say thank you before heading back to our table. I take the seat across from Emma and start taking my food out of the bag that it was currently in. "He was cute wasn't he" she says looking back at the cashier who was now looking our way." Yeah I guess" I say shrugging and taking a bite of one of my fries "please you know he was cute, and he totally seemed into you" she says before taking a sip out of her drink "so it doesn't matter because I never got his number or anything" I say wishing that I would have in fact asked for the cute boys number, "well I can fix that" after she says this she gets up from our table and starts to make her way to the cashier, I watch in horror as she points back to me and then says something to him, he looks over my way and blushes, but he nods his head and grabs a napkin from the container thats sitting on the counter a few feet away, he takes out a pen before writing something down on the napkin and handing it to her, she smiles and says thanks then walks away, once she sees me loojing at her she winks at me before taking her seat. She hands me the napkin that has the guys name and number scribbled down on it in blue ink. "See he's interested and now you have his number, you're welcome" she says before eating again, I roll my eyes and laugh before continuing to eat my food.

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