The new kid

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I wake up the next morning, to sunlight pouring in through my window, I get up and groan, feeling my leg hurt from where I had fallen on the pavement yesterday when I had ran into that boy. I ignore the pain in my leg and get up and walk over to my window, I close my shades so that sunlight isn't blinding me anymore, but before they're all the way closed I see the window that used to lead to Zoeys room. Its hard to think that someone is living in her house now, but the proof of that is when I see that they have close their blinds too, Zoey used to never close her blinds. I look at the window with a sad smile, then turn away and start to get ready for school. I jump in the shower, and let the warm water, flow over my body, warming me up, I think back to he boy from yesterday, I didn't get a good look at his face, all I could tell was that he was blonde, and really tall, but for some reason I couldnt stop thinking about him.

The boy was still on my mind when Emma came up to me at lunch, she set her food down at the seat across from me and looked at me with a smile on her face, "so have you met him" she says looking at me curiously. "Have I met who" I asked pushing my tray towards her, not wantung to eat the hamburger "the new kid" she says like its the most obvious thing, at that time Jake takes the seat next to me and sets his tray down next to mine "hey guys what are you talking about" he looks at me and then at Emma, I never understood why he hung out with us, its not like we were popular, and with Jakes looks he could be popular if he wanted to. he had red hair and green eyes, and was quite attractive. "The new kid" Emma says, taking a bite out of her burger, a look of disgust falls on her face before she set the burger down and slides her tray next to mine in the middle of the table, "Oh yeah he's a ride guy isn't he" Jake says kinda angry "If by rude you mean cute then yes, he's very rude" Emma says laughing. Jake looks at her, then he looks at me "what do you think Amber" I look at Emma who is giving me the thumbs up, but I just shake my head, "I wouldn't know, I haven't even seen the guy" I say, suddenly curious about this new kid, Jake nods as the bell rings. We all three get up and grab our trays, before heading towards the door, on the way out we all throw our trash away, and me and Emma leave Jake to go to his class while we go to English.

After an hour lecture on how to properly write an essay the bell rings, signaling the end of class, I'm gathering my books, when Emma comes over to my desk, we walk out of class together, but Emma leaves to go to her P.E class, while I have to go to math. I turn and head towards my locker, I unlock it and start putting my books in it when a hand reaches out and slaps all the books out of my hand, causing them to fall to the ground, I let out a frustrated sigh as I lean down to start picking up my books, the hallways are starting to clear now, so I know that I have to hurry if I don't want to be late. After about a minute I have all my books in my hand, I stand up and shut my locker, as I start to walk towards math, my notebook rips and drops all of my papers along the courtyard, I let out a frustrated yell and quickly gather my papers, by the time I get to math, I'm a mess and my papers are everywhere, and I'm late, I knock on the door, and a little while later Mr.Bender comes and opens it, I step inside the classroom and feel everyone's eyes on me, as I head towards my seat, except someone decides it would be funny to put their foot in my way, I trip and fall on my face, I hear a few people snickers at this, but I decided to ignore it, I get up and head towards my seat. Once I'm seated I look up to find an angry Mr.Bender looking at me "I would appreciate it if you wouldn't interrupt my class anymore than you already have" as he says this most of the class laughes, but my checks heat up with embarrassment. After all the laughter died down, Mr. Bender started talking again"okay well as I was saying, before I was so rudely interrupted" he says looking in my direction"we have a new student" as this is said  a tall guy with blonde hair walks up to the front of the class, "this is Mr. Matt Carter" Mr.Bender finishes and the guy sits down. The boy looks vaguely familiar, but I can't place where I had seen him from. After another twenty minutes the bell rings, signaling the end of the school day, I get up and head towards the cheer room. You might think its weird how I'm unpopular but am still a cheerleader, but its just how it is. I get ready for practice, all the while thinking about how I knew the new kid.

By the time I got home, I still hadn't figured out how I knew him. I decided that I would never figure it out so I just kinda gave up. I was sweaty from practice so I ran upstairs and got a shower. When I was done I went downstairs, I found a note on the fridge that said that my parents had went out for dinner and wouldn't be back till late. I grabbed a sandwich from the fridge and ate it, after I ate I went upstairs and fell asleep. All that night I dreamed about the new kid.

The girl he never noticedNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ