The party

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Matt's POV
Once I walk into the house my heads filled with the sound of pumping music, and the scent of sweat. I look around to see if I recognize anyone, I see Emma standing in the corner with Amanda and hesd over there. I give Erik a bro handshake and nod at Amanda "where's Amber" Amanda asks looking at me. Before we split up me and Amber agreed not to tell the others that we rode here together so I just shrug and walk up beside Emma, I put my hand on her waist, she looks at me and just walks over, I look over at Amanda and Erik to see if I did anything wrong but they just shrug so, I head off to follow Emma. I see her head towards what seems to be the kitchen, but stop when my phone starts buzzing, I look down and realize that I grabbed Ambers phone by accident, but the screen lights up and I see that shes got a text, so I open it "hey where are you, Emma just got mad at Matt, nows your time girl, tell him how you feel" I'm shocked by the text, and look up to see if I can find Amanda, but I see Emma walk in the door and look around, when she see me, her face lights up, and she sees her phone in my hand, and starts to make her say over. I quickly press the delete button and watch as the text disappears before coming face to face with Amber. "You got my phone" she says grabbing it, but I'm still in shock so I continue to hold on to it, and look at her. I notice how her eyes have flecks of gold around the pupil, and how they're more blue then grey, until she clears her throat and starts waving her hand in front of my face. "Hello, can I kinda have my phone" she says, before snatching it from me. I shake my head as to clear the dog inside it, and let out a chuckle "yeah, sorry I was just" I don't get to finish my sentence because Sam walks up and throws his arm around Amber, she's obviously shocked but doesn't push him off. He looks in my direction but just acts like I'm not there, its the that I notice the stench of alcohol coming off of him "Hey, so amber you look smoking right now, and I can't wait to get out on the dance floor " he slurs some of his words, but the meaning is clear, that he wants to get his hands on Amber, she smiles and leans over to kiss him on the cheek "sounds like a great idea, but first I am way to sober, how about I'll meet you there" she kinda shrugs his arm off and he heads towards the dance floor, she grabs my hand, and I cant help but feel a tingle run up my arm, but I ignote it as she leads me to the kitchen. She grabs two shots, and hands me one, im still little bit surprised with how she acted towards Sam, but down the shot anyways, she grabs another two and offers one to me, but I shake my head so she shrugs and decides to down them both, I realize that she planning on getting really drunk tonight, so I ask her the question that I want to while shes still sober "are you and caleb still together" she looks at me before grabbing a cup of beer "It not like you care" she drains the cup before walking off, I watch her leave the room and watch as she grabs on Sam and starts dancing with him.
An hour later I finally finished my beer, and started to feel the buzz coming on, I don't want to drink to much because I know that Amber will probably need a ride home. I watch as Amber starts to sway her hips with Sam and his hands started to wander her body. She looks up and catches my eyes, and whispers something in Sam's ear before starting to walk over to me. When she gets to me she has an annoyed expression on her face, "aren't you supposed to be dancing with Emma, you know your girlfriend" I realize that she is right. but I don't know where Emma went to, so I didn't bother looking for her, "No, I was more interested in watching out for you" she chuckles, then starts to drag her fingers up my arm "are you saying im a trouble maker" I can smell the alcohol coming off of her. and can tell that she's way drunk. She starts giggling, and then leans forward until I can feel her hot breath against my ear "how about we go get into some trouble upstairs" her hand starts wondering up my chest. I'm conflicted as to what to do, so I decide to just rest my hands my her waist and push her away gently. "Come on I think its time to get you home, right now your drunk as a skunk" she giggles more at this, but starts to pull me towards the door. Once we're outside I feel the cool air hit my face. Amber starts to make her way down the stairs, her foot misses one and she starts to fall, I'm there by her side and grabbing her before she hits the ground. She grabs onto me and looks me in the eyes "guess I really did fall for you, figuratively and realistically" she stops laughing and looks at me seriously. Its then that I notice what she meant by those words. She then starts laughing and let's me go, she stands up but then reaches her arms out like a little child wanting to be picked up "will you carry me, my legs are tired" I laugh, but then swing my arms underneath her legs and pick her up bridal style. She grabs ahold of my neck, and as well get to the car, I feel her start to nuzzle her face into my neck, I plant a soft kiss on her hair. because I can't help it.
When we get to the car I set her in the passenger seat, and climb into the drivers seat, shes already fallen asleep by the time we make it down the driveway. But I can't help but notice how her hand came to rest onto of mine, on the console, and it brings a small smile to my face.
45 minutes later I pull up to her house, and shut off my lights, I look over to where she's snoring lightly, and chuckle, she sits up at the sound and looks around "are we home" she looks at me, her eyes wide "yeah" I reply before getting out and going around to her side to open the door. When I open it, she reaches her arms out again, motioning for me to carry her. So I pick her up out of the car and start to make my way to her house. I open the front door with the key from her pocket, and try to stay quiet in case her parents are home. "Theyre not here, if that's what your worried about, they're on vacation" its like she could read my mind and knew exactly what I was Thinking about. I get to the top of the stairs and nudge the door open, once inside her room I set her down. She walks over in front of her dresser and started to slid her skirt off "um... What are you doing" I blush at the sight of her with the skirt halfway off, and her red underwear on full display "I'm changing" she says and gives me an annoyed look, she then shrugs the skirt the rest of the way down. She takes off her jacket, and starts to pull her shirt ovee her head, but then I realize what I'm doing and turn around. She looks at me as I shuffle to face the door, and laughs "what its not like you've never seen a girl naked before" I immediately blush at this because I in fact have never seen a girl naked before. She stops laughing when she realizes that I'm silent, and just mumbles "oh". I turn around when I hear the bed  creek, I make my way over, and sit on the edge. "Will you stay with me tonight" she asks in a quiet voice, "yeah" I answer before standing up and taking my shoes off. I look over at her and see that she's not wearing pants, well if she doesn't have to wear pants then I dont have to wear a shirt, I shrug my shirt off. As I start to make my way over to the bed I notice that Amber has been watching me this entire time, and I think of the text from Amanda earlier, and I get an idea.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2018 ⏰

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