The new house

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(Matt's POV)
We've been riding in the car for about 8 hours when it comes to a stop. I look around at our surroundings to find us in a nice suburb neighborhood, we are parked in front of a large white house, with a two car garage. I look at the house next door, my eyes wonder around the gray house and land on a window that is on the side of the house, there is a silhouette of someone that is inside the room on the other side of the window. They appear to be pacing around the room, "Are you ever going to move" Mia says next to me, as she pushes on my shoulder attempting to make me move, so that she can exit the car, I look back at the window to see that the person has moved out of view, I shake my head and open up the truck door, I jump off of the seat and my feet hit the hard pavement, as a hard gush of warm air blows by. I step aside to let Mia out, once her feet hit the ground she runs up to the front of the house and starts jumping up and down, waiting for one of my parents to open the door. My dad laughs and walks towards the house, he pulls out a set of keys from his back pocket and looks through them, once he finds the correct key he slides it into the lock and turns the doorknob, he pushes open the door and walks into the house with Mia right behind him. I look over to where Jennifer is just getting out of her car and is trying to wake up a sleeping Ethan, he opens his eyes and she gives him a sweet smile, he smiles at her in return before unbuckling himself and getting out of the car. I turn back towards the house and I start walking towards the front door. The first room that you walk into seems to be a foyer of sorts, it has a brown wooden staircase to one side then it splits into two hallways, one of to the left while one is right in front of me. I decide to head to the left, I walk down the hallway that has several doors,containing a bathroom, a laundry room, and a bedroom  down it, once I reach the end, I walk back to the foyer, down the other hallway, finding it shorter than the rest, and it opens to reveal a huge kitchen, and an open layout livingroom that has a wrap around couch and a flat screen, the room is lighter than the rest of the house, most of the rooms were painted a dark grey color and had white furniture in them, while this room was almost all white except for the grey couch. I hear dad and Mia in the kitchen, so I decided to do in there, I find Mia and Ethan sitting on the top of the huge island that reacts in the middle of the kitchen, with dad and Jennifer standing near them laughing, they all turn and look at me "have you explored the house yet" dad asks me looking at me "yeah, all except for the upstairs "I say walking over and jumping up on the counter beside Ethan, "Well than you havent seen your room yet" dad says walking out of the kitchen and towards the main foyer, I look around at Jennifer and Mia, and Ethan and then decide to follow him, he's on his way upstairs when I catch up with him, once we're at the top of the stairs, we come face to face with a huge bathroom, dad leads me to the right and all the way to the and of the hallways, dad opens up the door and it leads to a dark blue room with a window on one side, a huge walk in closet, a king size bed on one side, and a hallway that leads to the bathroom at the top of the stairs. I look around, and then I walk top the window, and i look outside to see that its face to face with a window that is on the house next door, I pull the curtains shut and walk towards the book case that is empty, I don't really ready, but I could put all of my sports trophies on there. Dad looks around and then leaves me to look around the room.

A couple of hours later I'm laying on my new bed surronded by boxes, that have yet to be unpacked. I decide to only unpack my clothes tonight, I get off my bed and grab one of the boxes and start to put my clothes, in my new dresser.
It takes about an hour to get all of my clothes put away, and by then its almost sunset, I decide that I want to go on a run to see the neighborhood, so I grab a pair of shorts, and throw on a T-shirt, I grab my shoes and ear buds on the way out. Once I'm outside of the house I put my earbuds in and turn on my music, I decided to head past the mysterious house, that's next door. As I start running, I feel my muscles start to relax and I feel my head start to clear, I've always liked running. it helps clear my head and is really good when I need to think, I turn left at the shop sign and start to head down the sidewalk, houses past by in blurs of colors and shapes, but I don't notice, all I'm thinking about is how I've just left all my friends and the school that I've went to for as long as I can remember, now I'm forced to move here and start all over. Im so distracted by my thoughts that I dont notice the girl until I run right into her. We're both knocked to the ground, I groan as I get up, my hands had taken most of my fall, but the girl wasn't so lucky, I looked at her, from her wavy blonde hair and her small button nose, to her light blue eyes, her eyes were like little pools of ice that pull you in, I drop my hand down and she takes it and I pull her up, I'm surprised to find that she is pretty tall for a girl, but yet seems short next to my tall frame. She's not pretty in any sense of the word, more like interesting to look at, shes not ugly either, just not normal, she blushes at the fact that our hands are still connected, she says something, but i can't hear her because of my music, then she takes her hand back and starts running in the direction that I just came from, I just shake my head and continue on my run.

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