Why i hate high school

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(Ambers POV)

I wake up the next morning to find that I'm alone in bed. I realize that Matt must have snuck out after the movie. I smile when I think of him. I get up out of bed, and start to get ready for school. I decided to dress up today and wear a flowy white tank top, and my favorite jeans, I decide to wear white sparkly sandals, instead of my usual converse. I spend extra time on my make up, making sure that my eye liner looks okay. I also curl my hair instead of braiding it like I usually do. I check over myself in the mirror one more time, before walking down stairs. My moms sees me smiling and give me a curious look "Well, you're smiling and you dressed up for school, does this have anything to do with a certain neighbor" she asks smiling at me. I walk over to the fridge and pour myself a cup of Orange juice before saying "Maybe". Then I grab my keys and backpack and walk out of the house. I get in my car, and back out of the drive and head towards school.
Once I pull up in the parking lot. The smile leaves my face, when I see Matt talking to Amanda. They are standing close together and are laughing. Amanda is smiling up at Matt. I suddenly feel this heat swell up in my chest, when I see them two together, I grab my bag from the passenger seat, and get out of the car slamming the door. A couple of freshmen look over at me, wondering what my problem is, but when I look at them, they just turn and walk away. I walk up to school in a hurry, and angry way. I walk right past Amanda and Matt not stopping when Amanda says hey, I get to my locker, and open the door up in a rush, causing it to slam against the other lockers. I cringe slightly when people look at me. I feel someone walk up, and turn around to find Matt, his face so close that I can feel his breath on my face "You know that wasn't nice" he says reaching his arm out to rest on the locker behind me, I shrug at his comment and start to walk away, before he grabs my wrist, stopping me and sending shocks up my arm, "Sorry, im not a nice person" I say looking him in the eyes, he smirks down at me "I can tell" he says while his eyes travel over my body. He leads down so that his mouth is against my ear before he says "you look nice today" then he pushes himself away from me before winking and leaving me in shock about our closeness. I shake my head to clear it and look back at Matt when he's walking away, he turns around and gives me a smirk, before continuing to class.
After 1st periods, I'm all ready tired of school and want to go home. I walk down the hallway to my locker to see Matt leaning against it talking to a girl with bright red hair and brown eyes, I think shes in the grade under us, but I'm not sure. Matt looks over and catches me watching them, so then he reaches behind her ear and tucks a peice of hair there, she blushes at the actions, and I know he only does it to annoy me. I walk over to where their standing, and start tapping my foot impatiently, The girl gives me a weird look, before saying goodbye to Matt. He smiles at her as she leaves, then turns to me. "Can you kinda move, so I can get my books" I say trying to push him aside. Even though he doesn't even Move. He looks down at me and laughs before turning around to my locker. He starts fiddling with the lock, before it pops open. I look at him in shock, and wonder how he could know my locker combination, he seems to read my mind when he responds "Like I said last night, I know a lot about you Amber, including how to get into your locker" and with that he leaves me standing by my now open locker, shocked.
I still havent figured out how Matt got my locker combination when I leave last block to go to cheer practice. I walk out of the school and to the football field, I see Matt sitting on a bench under a tree. He looks up to find me looking at him, and it looks like he's about to get up and talk to me but, Cody walks up to him, and starts talking. He gives me a sad look, before getting up and walking off to the parking lot with Cody. I make my way to the football field, and when I get there I hear the conversation going on between all of the cheerleaders "Yeah I heard that he slept with almost all of the girls at his old school" Alex says before starting to stretch "I heard that he's planning on hooking up with that little Lindsey in the grade below us" I realize Lindsey was the name of the girl that Matt was talking to in the hallway today, then I realize that they're talking about Matt. I decide to ignore them and start to stretch.
Two hours later, I'm sweaty and tired as I climb into my car and leave school. I get home and see that there is a bouquet of flowers ont why table, I look at the note "Amber, youre heart is as pretty as you are. You are an amazing girl and I really like you" I look for a signature for the person who they are from but cant find one. I take the roses upstairs so I can put them in my room. I set them in a vase and put them on my dresser, then my phone goes off. I unlock it to see that I have a text from an unknown number, "Nice flowers", I turn and look out the window and see Matt looking up at me with his phone in his hand. "You know its not nice to look into teenager girls windows" I reply smiling up at him he looks down at the phone and laughs "well I'm not a nice person" he says using my words from earlier. I shake my head at him before responding "I can tell, how did you get my number" I ask, before taking a seat on my bed and look up at him "like I said I know a lot about you" I'm about to respond when he texts "and I'm going to learn even more" I blush when he says this, and I guess he can tell thru the window because he says "aww, its cute when you blush" i laugh at his comment and look up to see him looking at me with a serious expression. "What are you doing tonight" I ask, thinking back to practice and how he was planning on hooking up with Lindsey. "Sorry, can't hang out. I got a hot date" I read the text and frown, genuinely sad that he won't be able to hang out. "With who" I ask even though I already know that the rumors are true and that he is going to go sleep with Lindsey."Lindsey" he responded, "I gotta go" I text back, suddenly feeling that hot feeling in my chest that I felt this morning. "Okay..." Was his only response.

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