The news

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(Amber's POV)
I know that something is different when I get to school Monday. I wait by my locker to see if Matt will come by and talk to me. Im disappointed when the bell rings and he still hasn't shown up. I walk to class, thinking about Friday night. And how the second that Matt had left for Lindsey's how I felt defeated and sad, and had decided to call Caleb. He had came over and we had watched a movie. Then I kissed him again. I don't know if that makes him my boyfriend or not. All I know is that while I was kissing him I only wanted it to be Matt I was kissing not Caleb.
By the time I get to lunch, I still hadn't figured out what was different. I sat down at the lunch table, next to Amanda. And started eating my salad, "so I have a new boyfriend" Amanda blurts out, then looking at me and Emma to see our reactions. Im a little shocked at first, but then realize that shes probably just using him as a rebound. "Who is it" asks Emma leaning forward, but Amanda just shakes her head, "you'll find out soon enough" she says before giving us a smile, suddenly the bell rings, and as we all get up, Emma walks off while I walk behind Amanda, and that's when Matt comes up and walks beside her, and grabs ahold of her hand. I look down at their entertwined hands, and feel tears sting my eyes. So I take off towards the bathroom, just making it inside before the tears start to fall down and roll down my cheeks. I slide down the door to the bathroom, before putting my face in my hands and crying.
I come out of the bathroom and hour later, red eyed and blotchy faced. I walk straight out of school, deciding to just skip the rest of school. I get out of the school building, and walk to my car.
When I get home, I run upstairs, and lay on my bed. I knew that I shouldn't have thought that by some miracle that me and Matt would end up together. I mean hes popular and I'm not, I was just fooling myself to think that it would happen. The image of them holding hands, keeps running through my mind as I fall asleep.
I wake up when its dark outside. Im surprised that I slept this long. I look over at my phone to see that I have two missed calls from Caleb. I call him back and he answers on the 3rd ring "Hey babe" he says, sweetly "hey, why did you call" I ask getting up out of bed and heading to the bathroom. "I wanted to see if you wanted to go see a movie tonight" he asks, as I look at my hair, that's tangled. And my smeared mascara across my cheek. "Yeah, I would love that, I need to get my mind off of things" I say turning on the shower. "Okay I'll pick you up in 2 hours" he says before hanging up and leaving me to get ready.
An hour later, I pull on a long sleeve white sweater, and put on my brown ankle boots. I have my hair braided to the side. I look at the clock to see that caleb is going to be here any minute. I hear knocking on my window and look over to see Matt hanging out of his window, throwing pepples at mine. I look over at him before walking over and pulling the curtains around my window so that I don't have to see him. Then I walk down stairs. Caleb knocks on my door, about s minute later. And I opened it to find him standing there in dark wash jeans, and a simple black long sleeve. I smile at him when he leads down and pecks me on the lips, before grabbing my hand and walking me to his car. He opens my door for me and I smile at the small act of kindness.
We get to the movie theater, and decide to watch the new spiderman, yes I'm a superhero nerd. I got an grab our seats, while Caleb gets us snacks. I sit in the middle of the theater, and take out my phone. I see a text from Matt "We need to talk" I press ignore, still mad at him for dating Amanda, that's when caleb shows up with a coke and popcorn, and a bag of gummy worms. which are my favorite kind of candy.
He takes the seat next to me, and smiles at me then gives the candy to me. I slides his hand into mine, and intertwines his fingers, but something about it just doesn't feel right. And I can't help but think of how whenever Matt touches me there is this spark of electricity that runs through my skin. I immediately push the thought away, and focus on the movie.
An hour later, me and caleb walk along the street laughing as we eat our ice cream. I take a spoonful of the strawberry goodness and sigh, I'm genuinely happy in this moment, and I know its all because of caleb. We reach his car a couple of minutes later, and like always he opens the door for me, I get in, waiting for him to start the car when my phone rings, I look at the caller ID to see that its Matt. I decide not to answer it and continue on, when Caleb gets in the car. He drives me home, and kisses me before leaving. I head upstairs and find my parents in the living room, arguing. I chose to just ignore it and head upstairs. Im more exhausted than I thought, when I lay down to go to sleep. I wake up to the sound of yelling. I know that it's not coming from downstairs but the house next door. I walk to the window to see, Matt storm out of the house, and to his truck, he drives a way in a hurry. I grab a hoodie and throw it on over my tank top, and grab the keys. I walk outside and start the car, wishing that I would have changed out of my shorts, but I back up and head in the direction that Matt drove off. I've been folowing Matt for about 15 minutes, when I look at the dash and see that its nearly 3am, I know that my parents will freak if they wake up and I'm not there. But I continue to follow Matt anyways. By the time he stops, we've driven out of town and up on a hill, the same place that me and Caleb had our first date. Matt gets out of his truck and slams the door, when I pull up, I get out and walk up to him, to see tears streaming down his face. "I can't do it anymore Amber, I hate my life, and everyone hates me" he says turning back angry, so that his back is to me, I walk up behind him and stand next to him. "I don't hate you" I say quietly, when I realize in fact that I don't hate him. "Why, not I mean I'm a terrible person to you. I ignore you at school, so that I can be popular" he says, looking over at me I smile before saying, "yeah but we all make mistakes", he looks over at me before suprising me and pulling me into a hug. His body heat is radiating onto me, causing me to be warm. And he smells so good, I can't ignore the shivers that run through my body as we hug. And I know that this is how it feels to actually be in love. We stand like that for a long time. neither of us saying anything, and just embracing each other. We finally pull away, and I'm hit by the cold air around us, immediately missing his warmth. He looks across the town, and sighs, I notice that he's not crying anymore, and he seems happier. "You truly are something Amber" he says looking down at me and smiling, at first I think he's going to kiss me, when he looks down at my lips. But then he shakes his head and turns back to his truck before saying "We should get back before your parents see your missing", I nod my head, not being able to stop thinking about how it would have felt to kiss him.

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