Its not what it looks like

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Its awkward when me and Matt start to untangle ourselves from our hug. Once we're free from each other, we both look at each other and start laughing. We only stop when someone starts to clear their throat, we turn to find an annoyed looking Emma, and a smirking Amanda. Matt walks past up and heads towards the stairs, mumbling that he'll caught us at the party. He stop at the staircase and turns and winks really quick in my direction so the others don't see before he descends the stairs and leaves. "Wanna tell me why you and my boyfriend were just all over each other"Emma says once we hear the door downstairs shut, "Oh. Come on Em, it was just a hug" Amanda comments before walking past me into my room.
Emma follows us into my room, and sets her bag down on my bed, looking dejected. "Its just that, he always wants to hang out and talk and everything, and he's just so clingy" she says flipping down on my bed. "Don't worry babe, last week I tried to kiss Erik and he pushed me away" Amanda says before laying down next to Emma. I think about me and caleb, and realize that i haven't talked or texted him all week. And then I realize how I haven't even thought about him because Matt has been on my mind the whole time. "So how are you and chick fil a doing" Amanda asks looking over in my direction "yeah good" I mumble without really paying attention, my eyes are focused on my window and the room that's directly in front of it, and how Matt stands taking his shirt off, with his back to us. Amanda seems to notice how she's lost my attention and turns to the window. Emma lays unaware of the fact that I'm basically stalking her boyfriend next door. Amanda gets up and starts to head for the door "how about we go fix some snacks" she looks directly at me before leaving the room, I follow leaving Amanda laying on the bed.

Downstairs Amanda walks over to the fridge and pulls out some waters. "So how long" she asks reaching into the top cabinet and grabbing a plastic bowl, I reach behind me and grab a bag of chips and hand them to her. "How long what?" I ask walking to fetch some fruit from the bowl on the bar "how long have you liked Matt" I stopped dead in my tracks, at this, all color drains from my face, as I realize that shes been watching me and how I've been acting around Matt "Since that night, we talked" I answer right away not even having to think about it "but please don't tell Emma she makes him so happy" I say quickly, then continuing my search for food. "I won't" she replies.
Almost 3 hours later we walk out of my room dressed and ready to go. Amanda walks down the stairs in her 7 inch heels, I would never be willing to wear shoes like that but with the dark purple mini dress she chose they compliment her long legs greatly. Emma follows with her jean clad legs and white crop top. I grab my leather jacket off of the bed before joining them at the end of the stairs. We exit the house and split up, Amanda and Emma walk to her car, while I head towards mine. I watch as they drive off, and then I get into my own car, I still can't get what Amanda said out of my head, that I like Matt. Suddenly there's a knock on the car door, that makes me jump, I roll the window down to reveal matt, in a navy blue v-neck and a black leather jacket on. "Hey my truck won't start and I saw that you hadn't left yet and I was hoping I could catch a ride with you?" I think about all of the cons of letting him ride with me to the party, but also think that this will give me 45 minutes alone in the car with him, I nod my head and he opens the door, and gets in the passenger seat, I notice how close we are and my body starts to flush. "Are you going to start the car, or just sit there all day" he says then let's out a laugh, I shake my head and laugh too "yeah, sorry I was thinking" before starting the car and backing down the driveway.
The first couple of minutes its silent in the car, so Matt reaches over and grabs the aux cord and my phone "What kind of music do you like" he says while scrolling through my playlist "I like a lot of different songs " "obviously" he replies looking at all the different genes of music "okay I got it" he says before selecting a song, and setting the phone down. I look over at him and see that he's staring out the window, I noticed the sharp curve of his jaw and his plump rose lips, and wonder what it would be like to kiss him, soft chords come out of the radio I recognize the song "A drop in the ocean" and start to hum along to the lyrics, this is actually one of my favorite songs. "A drop in the ocean, a change in the weather I was praying that you and I might end up together" I sing along, but stop when Matt say "you're a really good singer". I blush at his next words, and stop singing, that's when he starts singing the next verse "its like wishing for rain as I stand in the desert, cause I'm holding you closer than most because you are my heaven" my jaw drops that he actually knows this song, he notices my reaction" you know I'm not that bad of a guy" he says kinda becoming serious "I know" I say quietly, I'm not even sure he heard me.
The rest of the ride is silent with my music playing in the background, when we pull up in front of the three story house, and park it starts to get awkward when we realize how bad it will look with us getting out of the car together, so I decide to just drop Matt off at the door and pull around and park by Amanda car. I shut the car off and go to grab my phone only to see that its not there, I assume that Matt took it thinking it was his, I sigh and get out anyways. Once I'm out of the car I smooth down my red crop top, and pull down my black short, I feel like these shorts were too short, but Emma insisted that they looked great with the shirt so I wore them. I run my fingers through my hair and let it land in waves around my shoulders. I check my makeup really quick in the car mirror before heading inside.

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