The date

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(Matt's POV)
I watch as Amber gets up off of her bed and walks out of the room before replying "okay...". I turn my head and start to get ready for my date with Lindsey. I chose to wear a dark green dress shirt and some nice jeans, before spiking my hair up. I walk down stairs and yell that I'm going out, before getting in my truck and leaving.
I pull up to this midsize suburb house, that's on the outside of the city. I get out of the truck, before walking up to the front door and knocking. A couple of moments later, I'm greeted by Lindsey, who is wearing an tremendous amount of makeup, and has on an outfit that I feel like if her dad saw it she wouldn't be let out of the house. Her skirt is tight and short, and her top is low cut and leaves little to the imagination, she gives me a flirty smile before stepping aside and letting me walk in. I slid past her and walk into the entry way, I walk over to a leather couch and take a seat. She came and sat right beside me, not leaving any room between us, and making me feel uncomfortable. I shift so that there is about an inch between us before looking at her. "So what do you want to do" I ask, she looks at me then places her hand on my chest before saying "I have a few ideas" then she laughed and winked at me. I get up quickly and shift around to the other side of their coffee table. "You know. I've actually got to go" I say she starts to object before nodding her head. I apologize before walking out. I get to my truck and get in and drive.

I've been sitting on the outer edge of town, for over 2 hours. I don't want to go home because I know that my parents will be there. I also don't want to go over to Cody's because he'll ask how the date went. Then I'll have to tell him that the whole time I was thinking about Amber, not Lindsey. I then know where I have to go now. I turn the truck on and head there.
I stand in front of Amber's house, ready to walk in and tell her how I feel, when I see her through the window. She walks up to a guy. who's back is to me, but I reconize it as the guy from yesterday, the one that she kissed. The one that she's kissing now. I see as he wraps his arms around her waist and kisses her back. I cant watch anymore, so I turn around and head home.
Once I'm in my house. I run upstairs, and change into some workout clothes.
I get to the gym 20 minutes later. I walk straight over to the bench press and start working out.
An hour later its 10 and im sweaty and exhausted. I walk out of the gym. when I see a familiar brunette. Amanda sees me and smiles, she walks over to me "hey" she says, "hey" I say in return. Now just realizing how pretty she actually is. And Cody's words come back to me "people like us only date people like us". I look back at Amanda and remember how she and her boyfriend broke up. Then I do the one thing that I hope will get my mind off of Amber. "Would you like to go out with me".

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