The suprise neighbor

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(Ambers POV)

I open the door to find a sweet looking couple, a little girl with blonde hair and a young boy with brown hair that's tousled on his head, then my eyes move to meet a familiar set of green ones, Matt looks a little shocked to find that I live here, and I find myself shocked to, mom had only told me that they have two little kids, not a guy in my grade. I wipe the shocked expression of of my face, and step aside to allow them to walk inside. The parents and children walk past me and to the kitchen where my parents are, leaving me and Matt in the foyer by ourselves. "So I'm assuming it was you that I had ran into the other day" he says kinda looking a bit nervous, I laugh and figet with my braclet, when I answer him "yeah, knocked me right on my butt" I say and give a little laugh, he laughs to but you can tell that its forced. I point to the kitchen while sliently cursing at myself for saying such a stupid thing to him. He follows my lead into the kitchen to join the others.

A few hours later we all sit around the table, having just finished dessert and laugh about all of our funny childhood stories. I laugh as Mia tells a story about how Matt, fell from a tree when he was ten and broke his arm, I look over at Matt and see that his cheeks are tinted pink from embarrassment. "Okay I think that is enough for one night" says Jennifer before getting up from the table. "But I haven't told Amber about the time that he went to summer camp" whines Mia, but she stops when she sees that Jennifer is ready to go, they all get up and head towards the door, while leaving me and Matt in the dining room alone. He gets up and I follow suite, "So I guess I'll see you at school tomorrow" I say with a little bit of a smile,he looks at me and shrugs before heading out the door and following his family.
Its around 11 that night when I hear the yelling, I push the covers away and tip toe over to my open window where the sound is coming from. I look through it to see that the lights to Zoeys room are all off, but when I look at the down stairs window I see three figures arguing "You ungreatful brat, you're lucky that we even let you live here" yells Jennifer, I assume that she is talking to Matt, then I realize that the other figure is his dad. "Maybe I don't want to, I wish we never would have moved, I wish my dad would have never met you, I wish my mom was still here" Matt yells back at Jennifer, she makes her way over to him and slaps him across the face "You know ive been more of a mom to you than that lady ever was" Matt grabs his face where she just hit, then runs upstairs. I don't realize that his room is the one that is right in front of mine until he yanks open the door and floods the room with light. He hasnt seen me yet, as he grabs a near by lamp and throws it across the room, where it hits the wall and shatters, he chooses that moment to look up and our eyes meet. His green eyes are bloodshot and teary, as they meet mine. He seems surprised to see me but then shakes his head and walks over to his window where he opens it. He swings his legs out of the window so that only the top half of his body is in the room. "So now you know what a disappointment I am" he says and looks at me with defeat in his eyes. I look at his and realize that even though we only actually properly met a few hours ago that I can relate to him more than I can relate to all my other friends. "Matt you're not a disappointment, they're just upset" I say giving him a sad look. He looks down and shakes his head "Ever since everything happened with my mom, nothing has been the same" he says looming me straight in the eye, while climbing back in his room "What happened with her" I say, knowing that I shouldn't ask but I can't help myself. "Ill tell you later" he says before shutting his window and closing his curtain. I sit there for a couple of minutes thinking about how one minutes it felt like me and him were bonding then the next, he was shutting me out. I really thought that I could become friends with Mr.popularity, but I guess he's a lot harder to figure out then I thought he was. I walk back over to my bed and climb back under the covers, before drifting into a long dreamless sleep.

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