Chapter Forty-Nine

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After checking on Trisha once she was back in bed, Crissa then went out to get her some bland food from the dorm commons. While outside the room, she dialed her parents on her cell phone. She was curious if they had heard the news of the lone wolf which had invaded the neighborhood and several streets of the city.

"Hi. Mom?"

"Hello darling, I was thinking of calling you sometime today."

"Great, mom. I'm OK. How about you and Dad?"

"Well, except for that wolf scare we had yesterday, things are pretty quiet around here now."

"So . . . wolf scare, you say?"

"Yes, sweetie. It was all over the local news. I guess one of them came down through the houses up here and ran down into to the city. Right along Fuller Street. Past people and dodging cars. We saw the videos. It was scary."

"How strange, Mom. So . . . what did Dad say?"

"Well, that's just it. This morning he was talking to Tom Jacobs and Bill. Bill Webber. You know, the guy up the hill?"

"Yeah, Mom. I know . . . go on."

"Well, they both hunt, your father said. And they'd heard talk of shooting the wolf if it ever comes back near the houses."

"God, Mom. That's so stupid!  The wolf is probably just . . . hungry  or wants to find it's . . . mate."

"Well, Bill told your father it probably had something wrong with it, Crissy. I mean for it to be so bold and unafraid of people."

"Jesus. These people, Mom. They know nothing  about wolves!"

"Well, I'm not sure. Mr. Jacobs and Bill have been hunters for many years. They do know the wildlife up here pretty well. Shouldn't you think so?"

"Well obviously they don't, Mom. They just want to shoot something. Something beautiful and wild. An animal we have no business harming. Tell Dad he needs to stop them!"

"Look Crissy, we know how you feel about wolves. And trust me, your father was never a hunter. He would not support the idea unless that animal could harm people. I mean . . . can you imagine what might have happened if those people yesterday on the street hadn't pulled their kids into buildings and cars? Good Lord!"

"Come on, Mom. Not you too!"

"Well, I think it's good that people like Bill and Tom are being cautious. I feel more protected up here . . . living so close to those . . ."

"OK, Mom. Whatever."

"Well, at least you're safe over there, Crissa. On the island and on campus."

"There's danger everywhere, Mom. You should be more worried about me around the two-legged wolves over here. Guys can be even creepier than wolves, you know."

"Yes, but darling, none of them can eat you."

"Crissa flashed on the night she and David spent together in his apartment. The term to her now took on a totally divine and unspeakable meaning.

"So, are you having problems with boys, then, Crissa?"

"No, Mom. Nothing I can't handle."

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