Chapter 1: New Year's Eve Invite and Decorating

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Jack P.O.V:

"Jack! You're here!" Jamie jumped up with excitement and opened the window for me.

"Hey Jamie! Do you have any plans for tonight?" I asked him as I entered and looked around his room. It was different from last time I came. Instead of comic books there are video games and action figures.

"Well, let me think. My mom is going to an office party tonight and Sophie is going to a friend's house for a sleepover." He pouted.

"So does that mean you have plans?" I asked him jokingly.

"No Jack. I don't". I smiled.

"Well... YOU BETTER GET READY BECAUSE YOU ARE INVITED TO THE GUARDIAN'S NEW YEAR'S EVE PARTY!!!" I flew around the room and made small snowflakes.

"REALLY!?! YAY! wait... Are you pranking me?" Jamie raised an eyebrow.

"No I'm not. I'm serious...for once" I stood by the open window and chuckled.

"JAMIE!?! Who are you talking to?" His mother shouted. "Um... Jack Frost?"he shrugged his shoulders and looked at me."How cute! He..." Her voice became a blur after that.

"You are going right?" I looked at him and at the sky. "WELL DUH! I want to party!" Jamie ran to his closet and pulled out some clothes. "I'll pick you up later to go to the party. I need to help the kangaroo put up decorations." I stepped on the edge of the window. When I flew off, all I heard was 'see you later Jack!' from Jamie.

I decided to make a quick stop to make it snow around the area. Man, I loved my job! But sometimes I wonder if I was even a choice... But that's not the case. Right now I have to help the Kangaroo set up for the party. We were in charge this time because last time, Tooth decided to have teeth everywhere and North wanted green and red EVERYWHERE.

"Woah look! It's Jack!" I looked down and saw some of Jamie's friends. I always thought they had strange names... I think one of them was named after a candy? I don't remember... Oh well. Up to the North Pole it is!

Bunnymund P.O.V:
"Ugh! Where is the frost idiot? It's getting late and we STILL need to put up all the decorations!" I pulled out some streamers and started putting them up. North and Tooth were out getting food and Sandy is getting the DJ booth ready. Meanwhile, I'm here... Waiting for that boy to get here. He is never responsible. Back home, if he were this late for something, they would make him sleep in the outback.

"I'm here!" Jack flew in viciously, knocking things over.

"Slowdown, Mate! You're knocking things over and we don't have time to play games!" I cleaned up the mess he made... Again.

"Calm your Easter Eggs! Geez. I'm just having fun!" Jack balanced himself on his staff and kept eye contact on me. "When will you ever have a fun life? You always are so serious for being the guardian of Hope".

This boy is getting on my nerves like always. I bet if he went to school, he would be the class clown or the jock that always plays around with others.

"Just help decorate. That's what you're here for." I hung up more streamers and Jack started to put up tables for snacks and other goodies.

"What else do you need me to do? I'm trying to get my free time back." I glared at him.

"You're immortal, smart one. You have LOTS of years for free time! Just put up the party lights and put out some chairs." I put the table cloth on the tables. I really don't like hanging out with Jack. He is really annoying and just plain strange.

We kept preparing for the party until we heard footsteps outside the main doors...

(A/N: I'm sorry this is a short chapter. This is my first time writing a story on Wattpad and I'm wondering if this is good. I'll update later as soon as I see someone enjoying this chapter. Please comment if you would like more! Also please comment how can you update a story on the iPhone app! 😊)

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