Chapter 18: Searching for Pitch and Pain

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North P.O.V:

I watched closely as Skyler and Ali paced in a very terrified way. It was quite obvious that they cared so much for their friend.

"Pitch has made the first move! We need to start with out damn plan!" Ali was on the verge of screaming her pain but I saw as Skyler calmed Ali down and then looked up at me and then made eye contact to every other guardian.

"We need to sacrifice something to Pitch so we can get Wendy back!" Tooth buzzed.

"And it can't be the power for him to control the kids all over the world to make his own personal world of nightmares!" Jack chimed in.

"What if we... No... That won't do" I heard Bunny mutter.

Sandy, on the other hand, kept thinking of something. He didn't make a single sand sculpture to signal us. He just sat there. Thinking. It almost felt like he wasn't there at all.

" I'll do it. " Skyler said with a monochrome voice.

"You'll do what exactly?" We all asked her. Jack was very interested in what was happening.

" I'll sacrifice myself. It's the only way. We need to change the plan!" Skyler then look to the ground. " I'll sacrifice myself. My powers, myself." She looked back up.

"W-WHAT?!?!" Jack shouted.

Jack P.O.V:

"W-WHAT?!?!" I shouted.

I couldn't believe what I heard. Wait. Did I hear correctly? Did she actually say she will sacrifice herself?!?

"You can't! You have no idea who you are messing with! IT'S PITCH. HE HAS GROWN STRONGER!" I was irritated. I stared Into Skyler's eyes and I saw she had no emotion. I looked over to Ali, who just shrugged her shoulders.

" I'll go with you. I will be the back up. I can sneak in. Being the ninja I am." Ali gripped onto her bow tightly.

Skyler sighed as she knew that she can't argue with Ali or else it would be an equal fight.

"If she is going, I am going too." I blurted. Skyler looked over to me.

"No. You can't! If you come you will be disgusted. Ali can only go!" Skyler made one swift movement as to signal Ali something.

Ali made one swift movement and her outfit changed. She was wearing all black. Black jeans that were like jeggings that reached her ankle, black turtleneck with a hood, black sneakers, and she had her arrow and a backpack filled with arrows on her back.

"And what will we do?????" Tooth flew crazy around the room.

"You will help the kids all over the world to believe. The lights are going out quick on the globe. Jack will help you. The five of you must help the children. Me and Ali will handle Pitch." Skyler gave a reassuring smile and sighed happily." So is this plan happening?"

They all nodded except for me. I can't. I can't let Sky and Ali risk themselves. I just stood in their way and Skyler just bumped into my shoulder as she and Ali were walking out.

"I will be following them. I can't let them be alone. Especially if they are going with Pitch." I looked over to North.

"That would be okay. We can handle saving the children. Just go and protect them. Make sure they don't see you there or else you would be caught by Pitch." North smiled and headed off to his sleigh. "Now. LET US GO SAVE THE WORLD!"

Then they went their separate ways.

I just flew up to see Ali and Skyler I the distance flying. I then started to fly a distance away so I won't get caught.

Skyler P.O.V:

Me and Ali were flying close towards Pitch's lair. It was a challenge to find it since we didn't exactly know where to go.

"Where next?" Ali asked as she looked down as we flew.

"Um... Where else looks dark and some what scary?" I asked as I looked from side to side below us.

"Everyone seems to be fully awake. Not a dark place to be seen... Other than just the shadows of buildings." Ali replied."and the sun is setting. Not too long everything will be dark."

I stopped flying and floated there. "Hey Ali, should we just wait until it gets darker? It would be a waste of time to search for the darkest place if the sun is still up."

Ali stopped flying floated next to me. "Sure. Why not. But are you sure Pitch's hideout would be here?" Ali asked me.

I looked at her and nodded. "Yes. This city, Oakland, is known for violence. There is always fear on the streets. This city is like a village of fear that Pitch loves."

The sun was still setting. The sky was a pinkish,yellow and purple. The sun was still out making light. In a few more hours, the search for Pitch will begin again.

Pitch P.O.V:

Wendy was on the wall crying. Just crying. Like a purple haired baby.

"SHUT UP!" I shouted and hit the wall next to her with a full leather whip.

"J-just l-let m-me g-go!" She stuttered. Why did I kidnap her?!? She can't stop sobbing! It's getting annoying!

"And what will be the fun in that? I just want to have a little fun with you until your savers come to destroy these precious moments..." I chuckled as I wiped one of her tears away from her cheek.

This girl,or, "ghoul" is getting a very pretty mess! Her mascara is stained on her cheeks, her eyeshadow washed away from sweat and tears, her clothes were covered in dirt, she has a scratch on her right cheek with some dried blood.

"My, you seem to be a horrid beast!" I slid the back of my hand gently on her face. "But I still don't care." I kissed her cheek gently.

I could feel her wince and whimper of just the touch of me. I chuckled and slashed the whip one more time on the wall and headed to the cell's opening.

"Rest my darling. Soon the big show will commence" I locked the cell door and made a quick glance to her where she had instantly fell asleep.


A/N: Hellur!

I hope you have enjoyed this chapter! I made it a bit longer than planned. I actually started writing this at like 3:25 am... Yes just to keep with my promise!! And it's like 3:50am and I can't sleep! >.<

I still have nothing to call you guys! >-< PLEASE SUGGEST WHAT I SHOULD CALL YOU GUYS! Or go to the chapter before this and before the A/N! ((Go 2 chapter 17 to vote on other names I have there!))

So yeh, tell me what you think!

*Further Notice*

So here is some news I may forget to tell you later!!

• Next week or so, I might go to L.A. On a road trip. So I may not get any service at all.

•^^ knowing that, I won't be able to update the story. But I'll try to finish before I start the road trip!

• So I just realized Summer is almost getting over... Well, for me, that is. Which means I need to get ready for school.

And with that, good bye! I will update as soon as I can!

- Cool_weirdo13

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