Chapter 15: Knock and plan

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A/N: Hey guys, I'm really sorry it's been some time I last updated... Like a week or so ago? I know this never happened before. But I was feeling doubtful that no one read this until I saw 100+ reads!!! Thank you so much and here is the chapter!!! Xoxo -@Cool_Weirdo13

Skyler P.O.V:

I woke up from the sound of a knock on my room's door. And the followed by a familiar voice. It was strong and confident, but it still had a caring tone.

"Skyler? Are you up?" The voice said. I then could tell who it was.


"I am now! What time is it?!?" I whispered yelled, still tired.

"Around" She whispered.

I swung my legs over to the side of the bed and stood up heading for the door."And why exactly did you wake me up at 5:00 in the morning?"

I opened the door to see her in her thoughts. I stood there, leaning, on the door frame. "We still have two more hours until we really need to get up."

I looked at her as she was lost deep in her thoughts. She wasn't blinking. It worried me as I thought she may have forgotten how.

"Hello? Earth Ali?" I shook her and she didn't even notice.

"Alida!" I whisper-yelled and slapped her softly. But then I fell on the floor with a stinging sensation on my left cheek.

I realized she slapped me harder than I did. "Never call me Alida,please." She answered as she laughed quietly and helped me up.

I wasn't mad at her at all. We are used to slapping each other on our faces for no reason.

When I stood up and closed the door and sat on my bed. Alid- I mean, Ali, sat down on my bed infront of me.

"So tell me, why did you wake me up at 5:00am?" I re-asked her my question.

"Three reasons." She looked at me. All I could do was nod.

"Which are?" I raised a brow in concern.

"One, I couldn't sleep. Two, I came to re-assure myself that you were positive of being bait. Finally, three, like I said before I couldn't sleep." She smiled after her points were given.

I gave an unamused face as I crossed my arms."This is just like that overnight camping trip..."I sighed out.

"Very! I swear! I wake up when I feel How to explain..." Ali whispered and thought carefully.

"Uncomfortable? Unsure?" I finished her sentence.

"Yeah! That..." She sighed."now, answer my second reason!" She crossed her arms.

"Yes. I am very positive. I can put up an act." I look away. "But I don't think we should go to pitch first. Wait until he comes to us. Yeah he would make a move if we go to him,but it would be the second move." I admitted.

I looked over at Ali and she nodded in agreement.

"So now what? I can't go to sleep and I don't feel like walking to my room." Ali stood up pacing around.

"Well I can't sleep now, after you rudely interrupting my sleep." I laid back annoyed.

"At least I knocked!" She said pulling out her phone from her pajama pant's pocket.

"How is your Alpaca doing?" I looked over her shoulder.

"Plain creepy like always! But since I had to reboot my phone, I lost ALL my progress!" She sighed. "I better get to my room. That way you can relax. We have a big day later".

When Ali left, I laid in my bed and started reading online books on my phone. I then slowly drifted to sleep.

Pitch's P.O.V:

I had just sent about 100 nightmares out to the world to give to the sleeping children everywhere. I was still trying to gain my energy as I waited.

I had a big plan coming. I want to destroy the guardians and keep their new members as my little toys for my entertainment.

I paced back and fourth in my lair as I was thinking of more ways to destroy them. Those three guardians all had a weakness. It was noticeable.

"Hmm... That girl... The one with long,brown,amber hair... had been talking about keeping a secret from Jack... I may be able to use that as a way to weaken her." I saw down on my throne of fears that I made.

"And as for her two best friends, I can twist their emotions and weaken them by telling them their worst fears... But it will be tuff to find a weakness for the girl who has short brown hair..." I kept thinking about Jack's nightmare.

"That nightmare was truly devine. It had someone I haven't met before. Much more, the three girls may have an idea..." I sent more nightmares out and kept thinking.

"Those three. I need them. More than just for my entertainment, more than being my trophies, more like... A way to deceive the guardians!!!" I stood up as I set the pieces together of my brilliant plan.

"But first, I have to steal the weakest one... The one that is too vulnerable..." I chuckled as I head over to an opening of my lair and watching over the city.


A/N: HELLO MY SPIDER READERS! Or my loyal pups! I have no idea anymore! XD

So a few questions:

•What did you think of this chapter

•Should I write a sequel to this book once it is finished?

•Do you even like the book?

I only have those three questions. I'm truly sorry for the very short chapter. I had nothing else to write about.



((Ps: Sorry for the lame title))


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