7: Tumor

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.^^ Gae Bolg ^^

— Haven —

The flash of light seemed to echo, -which I personally though was insanely cool,- as Ryan's body was engulfed in moonlight...

At Dawn.

"Don't you just love magic? No discernible Rules." I nodded, and looked at Avery as the light continued, unabated. "So! The Hunt! Were we going?"

The armory was more outdated than I'd expected, having nothing even close to a gun, except for some very nice compound bows.

I picked up a bow and a quiver of broadhead arrows, then a short spear. "Alright, then. Elk are coming from where, Bobby?" I looked at the second of the Fårren Clan, Sam having taken the unconscious Ryan to her own cabin, visible halfway up the mountain on the opposite side of the lake.

He nodded. "All three routes. Seems there's three different herds. Each is smaller than the original anticipated, but seeing as there's three of them, we should still get what we need."

I smiled. "Well, Sam has abandoned me, so I guess I'll head up alone. How many should I try to nail?" I asked, taking an extra bundle of arrows, a very sharp Bowie knife, and a pair of binoculars.

Avery smiled at me. "I'll go with you. And this hunt needs to feed 300 people for a Year." She was kitted out with a compound bow and two thick bundles of arrows.

"So 'A lot' is the answer." I grinned, and started walking, twirling my spear thoughtlessly.

"Why a Spear? You realize we'll be on top of the canyon, right?" One of the other members of our little party asked.

"And when we go down to collect the kills? If one is still kicking? If a bear or wolf smells the kills and decides to steal something for themselves?" I asked dryly.

Avery grinned. "You against a bear, that I'd pay to see."

"I wouldn't. Bears are stubborn and tough, with thick hides. I prefer Elk." I grumbled at her, and started jogging, certain that the guys were chafing at my walking speed.

Sour Pass was apparently 1 mike away from the main valley, between two of the mountains that made up the lake-bowl.

The entirety of the stone canyon was iced over, and charred to the bone underneath, but blueberries were poking out of crevices, and entire bushes grew easily in the inhospitable climate, each almost over-ripe. Perfect for any sort of Hoofed animal. Like a certain uppity horse...

I plucked quite a few, sticking them in my jacket, and when Avery raised an eyebrow, I smiled. "I'm saving them for a friend of mine."

She chuckled. "Sure you are. Stay focused, they'll be here soon."

I nodded and climbed the walls of the canyon, finding a good spot to see the entire Bend, and the mountainside and valley on either side.

A few others were already across from me, and they waved amicably.

I pulled out my binoculars, and spotted a few Elk, trotting casually, smelling things as they went, and immediately rubbed myself down with dirt, recognizing my own scent. I tossed more dirt on everything I'd touched, and hoped they wouldn't smell me until too late.

"What's the issue?" Avery whispered.

"I smell myself, which means they could smell me. We need to be ready for them to bolt." I murmured back.

She nodded, and stared at the distant Elk, and the now-barely-visible Herd behind them. "Alright... we already have a plan, we stick to it. Shoot the lead guides, drag them out of the canyon, lay down crushed sour berries to mask the scent of the blood, then scare the rear-guards. They'll bolt, and push the herd into the pass. We shoot all but the yearlings and the Does. You got it?"

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