15: Meeting of Minds

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.^^ Computer Rage ^^

— Haven —

Leaving my new friends with my father was perhaps a bit cruel, but it really was better to let him get it all out at once.

Smokey was sitting against the pillows on the king-size bed in the only guest room, with Jack and Katy under each arm, choosing a book to read.

I hissed softly at their choices. "That's... not a good idea... those aren't the Disney versions, they're the real ones." I said quietly.

She hummed. "Is that so? Well, I'm sure they can handle Cinderella..." she read the first lines on the first page, and her eyebrows raised. "Oh... oh dear. Well, how about Peter Pan?"

"Yeah!" Jack grinned.

"Oh no." I covered my eyes as she opened the cover of the black book.

She shivered, and snapped it shut. "How about I tell you a story, instead? Reading is for nerds."

I snorted and handed her one of the only safe ones, a collection of the Disney versions. "That's safe, if you don't read my notes."

She sighed and opened up to Peter Pan. "Alright, my darlings, settle down... here we go. 'In the moonlit streets of London Towne, there was a single shadow, lurking 'round. He looked left, and he looked right, and he looked up, but always remembered to never look down.' Ooh..." she smiled softly at Jack's excited giggle.

I smiled and left them, closing the door, and decided to check up on my potential sperm donor, girlfriend, and adopted father.

A staring contest had ensued, until I walked through, and refilled their tea. "You two play nice, now. Sam, you can come with me. My bed's big enough."

Papa snorted at me. "I'm still talking to them!"

"No, you're having a staring contest with a Tiger. You'll lose. Now stop it and let's all go to bed. I've been driving for 12 hours, I need a good bed. Now shoo." I shooed him towards his room.

He sighed and stood, stretching. "Fine... but I want to meet their families, as well. Mein Clannen will not be merging with savages."

"They're all very nice, actually. Very civilized. Except the newest additions, they're still settling in." I shrugged, and pushed him towards his room silently.

He waved me off, stepping towards his room. When he opened the door, a very small, very fluffy puppy tried to peek his nose out, and he whispered at it, pulling it into the room gently. "No! Back, please Kida! You'll ruin the surprise!"

I pretended I didn't see anything, and led my companions to my room.

Ryan blinked slowly, closing the door. "Wow... you really like gold and red."

"No, I don't. I find myself subconsciously decorating in my mother's favorite colors, because of her psychic influence." I grumbled.

"Okay... question for another time... what are your favorite colors, then?" She asked, lounging in my bed.

I pulled Sam down next to her, and laid across them both. "I like Pale Gold and Obsidian... they mix well. Good shading."

Sam sighed at me, but I ignored it, and rolled us under the covers, cuddling. "Now let's get some sleep." I murmured, and fell asleep instantly.

Coffee was waved under my nose, and I grinned at the smell of my favorite blend. "Mm, Italian Roast... Someone is apologizing."

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