11: The Moot

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.^^ Haven + Ryan, fancy digs, IDK ^^

— Haven —

My lap was a very comfortable place for Ryan to lay her head, but I was suspicious that she had ulterior motives.

Immediately after she laid down on me, limiting my movements, three people who smelled like weaker, diluted versions of her walked in casually, and laid around with the grace and laziness of a thousand royal Persian housecats, claiming the entire 12-person couch on the other side of the room, while a little over a dozen other people wandered in awkwardly.

18 people in total, that I didn't recognize, before Olly, Avery, Max, Thatch, and Willa, Sam's mother, walked in with a tall, strongly built woman with white hair, and sat around me.

I sniffed Max curiously, but Avery sat in his lap, staring at me, so I snorted, burying my nose in Ryan's neck.

She chuckled, petting my hair, and then sat in my lap, waving Willa and the White-Haired woman to sit next to us.

I hummed, tilting my head, and Willa smiled, her eyes still closed. "Good to know you're living up to your potential, darling."

My eyes traveled to the tall woman, and a piece of my mind showed me a giant, pure white horse. She smiled at me, smoky blue eyes sparking a bit. "Hello, Handler." She smirked.

Before I could formulate a response, Olly cleared his throat. "Alright, that looks like everyone? Lore-Speakers, would you like to take the private room to the left, and share your little secrets? It's magically and physically soundproof."

One person from every little group got up, and followed Avery into the separate room, where she closed the door slowly.

"Good! Now, introductions. I am Oliver, Elder and Leader of this Community. The Cats to my right are Ryan and Haven. Ryan is the Guardian... and Haven is our Moonstone. It's confusing, but it's not that important, stay focused!" He glared down the murmurs of the crowd.

He nodded at the immediate silence. "Good... now, as I was saying: Smoky is the Herdmaster for our Cloven Clans, and you will bring any disputes to her, as the Leader of the Cloven Clans of Mångata Springs."

Smoky smiled, and bowed her head. "Pleased to meet you."

"Max is the leader of the Ursa Clan, and will mediate any disputes within that clan." Olly continued.

Max grinned and saluted sarcastically, until Ryan elbowed him harshly. "Ow! Sorry, hi everyone." He rubbed his tender ribs.

"And then Willa is the leader of all of our Canine Clans, as the Fox." Olly smiled at her affectionately, making me hum, interested in their relationship.

She chuckled softly. "I'm not smiling back at you, you grumbling lout! Welcome, everyone, to my home. Ignore Old Bear, he's senile." She said mischievously.

He snorted. "Hmph. Anyway, next is Thatch, our Doctor, and the leader of our Serpent Clan. He's a Nassuan Sea-Serpent, and he lives in the Lake, so don't worry about him. If you're injured, go to him. No excuses, no avoiding him. We take health very seriously here." Oliver said sternly.

Thatch grinned. "Oh Hallo, ma friends! Jes' don't be afraid o' me, I am harmless and here to help! Also, they feed me more when I heal people, so don't be shy!"

I raised an eyebrow, that statement reaching through my dimming subconscious, and Ryan chuckled softly, in my lap. "Don't worry, he's joking... sort of." She murmured.

"And that's everyone! Bears, Horses, Foxes, Snakes... Yep! The people on this side of the room, besides Haven, are members of this communities Moot. Your leaders are also allowed to select a representative, and be present in the Moot. Everyone in this room is eligible. So, introductions?" He grinned.

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