17: Blood Moon

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.^^ Maria Nathair-Dubh ^^

— Haven —

"You brought me Visitors? How odd. What's special about today, Envoy of Mine Enemies?" Mother was calm for once, examining a piece of glass she'd conjured as a mirror.

"I have... something of a report to give you. I've found your daughter's general location, but I need your help to find her... more specifically. She's inside a Pocket, with a clan of Shifters." I said simply.

The mirror shattered, and she took a calming breath. Her voice, when it shivered it's way out of her red lips, shook the earth beneath my feet, making Ryan and Thatch jump.

"You found my daughter?"

"Well, the family that took her in found me, but not much difference. So? Will you come?" I asked calmly.

The bars on the door turned to pillars of salt, and she stepped through them casually, a beautiful wine-red dress appearing on her full feminine frame as she brushed salt off a pale, freckled shoulder. "Lead the way."

Thatch gulped suspiciously, but the Nymph that had escorted us down reacted before I could question him. "Whoa, Wait, that Cage wasn't holding her at all? She could have walked out any time she wanted?" The clerk squealed, running away.

Mother snorted after their fleeing form. "Such cowardice from a Nymph... so sad. Let us be gone, mine enemy."

"Of course, ma'am. This way." I led her through the halls, careful to keep her in my eyesight at all times.

She seemed aware of my wariness, and chose to be amused by it, instead of offended, thankfully.

"So... did she even need our help getting out?" Ryan asked quietly.

"No... but I am a Dreamer and a Hunter, not a Seeker. A piece of advice, for free... Save whispers for the company of those without a Hound's Ears, Kitten." Mother smirked over her shoulder, her crystal-clear sapphire eyes glinting silver for a moment.

Ryan caught up a few steps later, having frozen in place at mother's eye-contact.

The lobby was deserted when we entered, and when we exited into the streets of Bend, Oregon, She sneered at the Stone buildings. "Stone... only Man would build with such primitive strokes and cuts. Which direction will we travel in?"

"West, about fifty miles, then south for five." I answered concisely, and opened the door of my truck.

She sniffed, but climbed in gracefully. "And Iron as well? Going Native, Enemy?"

I chuckled, sitting in the driver's seat. "I was born in this Era. This is simply the way I was raised."

"And I wondered why you were not afraid of me... a privileged society and a Man's World, not a very good mixture." She smirked.

"No, I'm not afraid of you because I know we both want to find your daughter, and honestly, I don't think you want me dead. Once I prove I'm not your enemy, we may even become friends." I smiled.

She huffed, looking out the window at the flashing light posts. "As if, my dear enemy... the Whims of Fate are not so easily directed."

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