20: Lords of Nature

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.^^ Ancient Avalon ^^

— Haven —

"Uhmmmmm... Haven? Please tell me I can assume that giant tower on top of the mountain, the one with all the weird-looking birds, has something to do with you?" Ryan shook my shoulder softly.

"If you don't learn to wake me up with coffee, you and I will have a very rocky relationship, my love..." I grumbled, stretching.

She handed me a cup of coffee. "I learn quickly."

"Good... Thanks. And yes, that would be my Elder brother's abode. Describe the birds?" I cracked my neck, and sipped the coffee.

"Uhm... see for yourself?" She said worriedly.

I looked, and hummed. On my windowsill was an Amphiptere, a winged-snake, about the size of a medium-sized dog. Not quite a Dragon, but in the same family. "Ahh, an Amphiptere... odd, but not dangerous, if you feed it. And they're intelligent, though I don't know how much."

"Quite so, madam. Master Dietrich has commanded me to send my Scales to the winds, to establish territories for themselves, in order for the Master to better See the entirety of this Pocket. I am also to take residence in this establishment, as it's Resident God." The little Drake spoke with a posh accent, examining the silver nails of its left wing.

I smiled. "There! Conclusive proof they're highly intelligent!"

She blinked slowly. "Wait... he's a god?"

"No don't get all worked up. God's are just extremely powerful Magical Beings, most of the time. He's a Household God, which means he's a powerful being, Yes, but not Metaphysical." I explained.

He nodded. "Precisely. I will claim this territory, and I will protect its inhabitants. Have you anything to eat? I'm rather Famished."

I nodded. "Sure, I'll be eating soon. Do you prefer beef or pork?"

"Ooh! Choices?!? I did get the pick of the litter... I like poultry, actually, the parallels amuse me." He smirked, his scaled lips quirking upwards.

"That can be arranged, then. Come along." I stood, holding out an arm.

He hummed, then flapped once, landing on my shoulder, and settling his weight (about thirty pounds,) carefully. "I must say, you're quite nearly the best Inhabitant I've ever had. Very few are so calm, or so kind." He rubbed his snout along my ear, marking me with his scent.

"Very few are half asleep and still drinking their coffee." I smiled, and stepped down the stairs gently, towards the bar.

He sniffed slowly. "Ahhh, a Tavern! My last tavern was in Virginia! 250 years ago, that was the place to be! Did you know, Washington himself drank in my Tavern after signing the Declaration, on August 2nd? I remember every word!!!" He began spewing information, historically accurate information, and I admitted myself impressed, as I set him on a Rail that led to the rafters.

"That's incredibly interesting, yes." I nodded, and started cooking some chicken breasts and my normal sausages.

"You've met Davian, I see." Dietrich sat at the bar, looking around. "Nice place, by the way. I like the rustic vibe."

"Thanks. You're not going to miss... whatever city you lived in?" I set a plate in front of him, then set the chicken breasts out for Davian. He pounced on them, tearing into the white meat ravenously.

"I'm not missing anything. My Door still leads to Barcelona, the Tower is simply here now. I can still go to the market easily." He shrugged.

I smiled evilly, getting an idea. "Oh?"

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