12: Johnny Boy

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.^^ Johnny ^^

— Ryan —

I snorted, surprised and amused, and forced myself to calm down for a moment. "Your dad's name is 'Wise Steer'?!?"

Haven narrowed her eyes slowly. "It's German, an old family name. I get you don't speak German, but that's the second time you've intentionally laughed at something I've said in my father's language. Third time is when I bend you over my knee, Company or no."

I purred softly, leaning against her shoulders. "Is that a promise? What'll you do, poke me with the 'Gay Bulge'?" I smirked.

She bent me over her lap instantly, and had my shorts around my ankles before I could yelp. Smoky looked on impassively as Haven turned my entire ass into one big red sore spot, her hand surprisingly sturdy, for someone just turned.

Then she sat me up, situating my clothes, and hugged me to her chest possessively. "Now there'll be no more of that." She said simply.

"Won't there? That was quite fun, actually..." I smirked.

She turned golden irises towards me. "Don't Test my patience. It isn't what it should be, right now."

I gulped, feeling the pressure of her scent and aura like a hand on my throat. "So that's how people feel when I talk to them... Wow." I shivered.

Smoky smirked. "Indeed... and when do we leave?"

Leaving the territory was a long-held dream of mine.

It failed to meet any of my expectations.

"Maaaaa, Jack is stealing my chips!!!-
"Maaaaa, Katy is hitting me!!!-

"SILENCE!" Smoky snapped once, silencing the entire truck. "Jack, the chips aren't yours, they're for everyone. Catherine, leave your baby brother alone. Sam, grow the hell up, or I'll spank you just like them."

They grumbled their respectful responses, and Haven snorted, steering the car around a pothole. "Never thought I'd have kids in this car so soon... and they're obedient! How refreshing!" She laughed.

Smoky smiled, leaning against the passenger door. "They know who's boss... anyway, which way are we going?"

"To Bend, first. I have a few things in storage there, waiting for my attention. Then it's northeast, to Spokane, and then south, to Portland, and round trip to M-Springs." Haven said simply, tapping a map, where a semicircle was mapped in pencil.

Smoky hummed. "What's in Bend?"

"Just some business needing handling. Private business, sorry. Won't take much longer than a few hours, at most." Haven grimaced.

Smoky hummed slowly, and narrowed her eyes.

I leaned forward, into her line of sight. "And Spokane, Huh? Isn't that some huge city?"

Haven snorted. "No. Not even. I'll take you to New York, next New Years Eve. There's your 'Huge City'. Spokane is decent, I guess, but the people are a little... odd. Lots of witches, too, which I suppose makes up for the oddness."

"Witches?!? Aren't those dangerous?" Catherine, (Smokey's eldest daughter, 9,) asked excitedly.

"Not really. Anyone is dangerous if they wanna be, I guess... but witches are usually pretty cool. Most supernatural drugs come from witches... they're also great in bed." Haven hummed, distracted too much by the interstate traffic to censor her answers.

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