9: Here, Kitty Kitty!!!

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.^^ Golden Tiger ^^

— Haven —

The moon entered my view, big and blue and beautiful, then suddenly everything else dropped away, leaving me standing on a single patch of dirt, staring at the moon.

The sky, still bright a second ago, was suddenly pitch-black, without stars, or any sort of illumination.

Moonbeams started stretching down from the moon, aimed at seemingly random spots, until I saw the other new Shifters, the kids. The moonbeams were directly targeted at them.

The one coming towards me buzzed with electricity, almost, like a lightning bolt. It curved and crackled, not straight and soft like a normal moonbeam, but more like a wild, untamable feeling.

Chaotic, Beautiful, Savage; the list went on and on, my vocabulary ran out before I even came close to defining how it felt to just look at that beam of light arcing towards me.

When it finally touched me, tapping gently against my heart, I lost the part of me that cared about vocabularies.

Instantly, I was an animal, roaming around a jungle that was not like my home, but ripe with food. A deer was unlucky enough to cross my path, and I pounced on it, tearing out its jugular and devouring the entire 8-point buck in only a few minutes.

The size of my body was a source of confusion, of course, because I dwarfed the one bear I saw. A large male grizzly, It took one look at me, and my meal, then my bloody teeth, and disappeared, the forest swallowing it back up like the insatiable beast it was.

Another tiger hesitantly stepped into my little den, which I didn't remember making. I was chewing on the bones of a small thing. A chicken? No, a Goose. A snack, really.

I showed her my teeth, but was not hostile towards the smaller tigress. She wasn't with child, there were no males around to take what was mine. I nudged a goose over to her, staring her down, and she cautiously took it, her eyes fixed on my nose.

She shimmered, making my hair stand up, and suddenly a large monkey sat in my den, making those odd hooting sounds they made. It was irritating.

She fled in terror, turning back into one of the People, as I roared at her loud enough to push her fur away from her muzzle.

I curled around my last goose, morosely realizing I would have to hunt again soon. It was getting boring. Nothing was challenging me, and nothing was mating with me.

I made a decision, and tossed aside the goose. Eating and sleeping without purpose were for Prey.

Odd, furless skin rolled over my body, and sounds started filtering in, documenting themselves automatically as my bones cracked, reshaping slowly.

"-down, your first shift is always the most painful, just let it happen... you've been under for a while, so I need you to calm down, okay? Just relax..." A tall Bear-Man was standing nearby, frozen in terror, and staring at the ground in front of me.

I snarled softly, and settled onto my paws, staring at the male. "Finally! A Challenger!" I launched my furless body at the larger creature, tackling it in the stomach, the weakest point of any creature.

It roared, turning into the Grizzly from my first memory, and I roared back, silencing it savagely, and claiming dominance of the weaker creature, forcing it back into its furless form.

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