19: Clan-Mate

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.^^ Dietrich Nathair-Dubh ^^

— Haven —

"So, tell me what it is you're looking for?" Mother asked, sitting behind me, her thighs under my head.

"I need to follow the Fae Road. It's right outside. It leads me to the Collector's Museum." I said simply.

She nodded. "Ahh, the Mångata... Yes. This I can do."

"I can do it myself, actually, I've done it quite a few times. I just need you to help pull me back. I'll be holding something... powerful. Bringing it to this realm will be difficult. I'll need your power, to manage it." I grinned.

She laughed. "So I'm a Battery Pack?"

"Sort of. Sorry." I shrugged, and closed my eyes.

"Mm. Sweet dreams, my Lion." She kissed my forehead, and I faded out.

"Ahh, Here we are again... it's been a few weeks! How are you?" Fäden asked casually, though the strength he was exerting on the wooden arm of his chair was obvious.

"You'll break that, you know. It is priceless." I smiled.

He released it slowly. "Indeed, It is... as is my soul, so I'd rather keep it."

"Mmm... you mean that Cosmic Bargain you broke? Or the Little Favor you asked for, and turned out to be you owing me your life?" I raised an eyebrow, and sat on my favorite seat, Catherine the Great's Throne.

He sighed. "Yes. That little issue."

"No worries, my friend. I don't intend to enslave you, or anything. But I do want to even the books, for our friendship's sake. You can't be friends with someone with a weight like that hanging over your head." I waved a hand casually.

"Mm... True. And what do you view as Balancing the Books?" He asked warily.

"Well... it's rather simple. I have the Spear of Arthur, Rhomnidriad, or Gae Bolg, however you wish to say it. The other two in the Trinity, the Dagger, Baegalltach, and the Sword, Moralltach, and the armor of Avalon as well, they all belong to my family, by Gifting Rights." I examined my nails as his entire body went stiff, unease filling the room.

"Why... do you want those items? To claim Gifting Rights from 2000 years ago, that's a bit... unorthodox?" He asked tightly.

"I'm about to go up against the Lords of Nature, and I'd like all the power I can get." I said simply.

He stood up woodenly, and walked to the wall, pulling down a long, solid oak box. "I didn't think those Gifting Rights still existed... but I can't deny the magic. So here." He sat it in front of me roughly.

"Oh don't be all huffy... I'll make you a deal, my friend." I smiled.

He perked up. "Ooh? A deal? You know how much I love those!"

"Indeed. I'm going to have babies. One of which will be yours. Therefore, you shall become a member of my Clan. As such, the Gifting Rights will include you, and while no one in my clan is using them, all the artifacts I give you will belong in your collection, so long as the members of Mein Clannen have the ability to summon them." I nodded.

He sat down slowly. "That sounds... reasonable?"

"No, that's just the effects of the deal, should you accept." I shook my head.

"Ahh, I see. And the Terms?" He smiled.

"I want your Help and Protection against the Lords of Nature. I want you to amplify my natural ability to True Name, until I can True Name literally Anyone, once I figure out who they are. In return, I will give you a child and make you a part of my Clan. Or rather, you will have a child by me, and we will have a child. You'll also have to be an active part of the child's life, as well." I said simply.

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