18: Awkward Breakfast

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.^^ Thatch ^^

— Haven —

My feline form leapt straight upwards, when something cold touched my ear.

Ryan laughed at me as I clung to the posts of my princess-bed, accidentally shredding the curtains. "Did I scare you?" She asked, tossing the ice cube in her hand from one palm to the other whilst smirking.

I launched myself at her, shifting into my skin, and caught the ice, slipping it into her pants before she could stop me. Then I hugged her as she squealed, preventing her from removing it.

"Oh I'm sorry, what was that? Hmm? Was it 'I'm sorry, my love, please let me remove the ice cube from my clitoris'?" I asked saucily.

"It's c-cold!!!"

"It is. It's a piece of ice, after all. What was that you were saying?" I asked again.

"I'm sorry, my love, please let me remove the ice cube from my clitoris!!!" She squealed at me.

"Good Girl." I pulled on her waistband, and the ice dropped down the leg of her pants, melting on the floor. "Now was that so hard?" I smirked.

She pouted. "You're mean in the mornings."

"Because you woke me up with an ice cube, instead of coffee. I'm picky like that." I said dryly.

"Sigh... fine. I do owe you that." She kissed me quickly, and hobbled out towards the bar.

"Well... that's a scene I never thought I'd see. My daughter, a grown woman, dominating her mate by way of an ice cube to the genitals." A soft and foreign female voice emanated from my bed.

I jerked around, and clutched my heart. "Oh, it's you... I didn't recognize your voice. How are you feeling?" I asked, sitting on the edge of the bed.

She stretched slowly, and grinned. "Good, actually! I thought I'd be sore or something, but I feel great! Maybe I'll go and play in the snow? Who knows! Haha!" She giggled.

I smiled. "That's good... Well, you're upstairs from my Bar, actually, so you can meet my Papa, if you feel up to it."

She blinked slowly. "Bar? Is this that story you didn't get to telling me?"

"One of them. I have several good and juicy ones." I winked.

"Alright, I can't wait! But first, that coffee sounds delicious, so-... you have a kitten? That seems... oddly juxtaposed to my idea of you."

I raised an eyebrow, and she held out a small black cat with white mittens that was apparently hiding under the pillows. "Oh! Poor Turk! Did I lock you in here?!?" I pet him carefully, kissing his head.

He shifted into a toddler in my arms. "No, I snuck in. Who's this? She's pretty. Is she your sister? I have a sister. She's mean, though. Is your sister mean? She doesn't look mean. Mama wants me to eat the green potato soup, but I'm not fooled! It's not potatoes! It's broccoli!"

I put a finger over his lips. "Turk. Shush. Okay? New rule when you talk to me, you get a maximum of three questions, and then you have to wait for me to answer. Okay?"

He nodded.

"Okay. The pretty lady is my Mama, and she's only mean when you annoy her, just like any Cat. And you need to eat what your mama tells you to eat, or she will whup you, and you'll deserve it." I poked his nose gently.

He pouted. "Noooooooooooooo!"

I was about to toss him over my knee when the door slammed open, and his mother marched over, with a crying Sasha over one shoulder, and scruffed him with professional ease.

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