14: Meeting the 'Rents

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.^^ Heinrich/Henry ^^

— Ryan —

The rumble of the truck down a bad road made me leap awake, clawing at the nearest surface.

Sam caught my hands, and groaned, rubbing his forehead. "Okay... someone roofied us." He grunted.

"Roofie?" I asked, clueless.

He shook his head. "Don't worry... we're in Haven's truck." He tapped the window of the cab softly.

Haven looked back, and smiled, pulling off to the side of the highway. She opened the window, and grinned at us. "Nice nap?"

"What was in that steak?" I asked.

"Magic." She shrugged. "Now get in, we're almost there. We'll stop at a motel so we can shower and all that, get a few hours of sleep."

I cracked my back a few times, and slid through the window, plopping down between Jack and Kate. "Okay, Fine... come on, Sam." I pulled him through, and leaned back into the soft seats as Haven closed the window.

The motel was another twenty minutes down the road, just outside city limits. A small place, run down, with a smell that permeated through the air as soon as we opened the car door.

"It's glorious." I grinned.

Sam, Haven, and Smokey all slowly looked at me, and raised an eyebrow, or simply shook their heads.

"What?!? I don't get out much!" I grinned again, and approached the front desk. "Hey! Hi, my name is-"

"I'm Maria Smythesson, I have a reservation for 6? Two rooms, three beds?" Haven covered my mouth.

The small man at the desk shrugged and slid a pair of keys across the pine surface. "203 and 206. Closest pair I could get." He grumbled, and took a drink of his coffee.

"Perfect." Haven nodded, and pulled us away, handing Smokey the second key. "You and the kids are in 206, it's the two-bedder."

"Where am I sleeping? A couch?" Sam asked.

"No." Haven shrugged, and walked up the stairs.

I smirked and slung an arm around his shoulder. "Don't worry. She sleeps in the nude. Very fun."

He sighed. "You Cats... why me?"

"You have small bones and strong hips." Haven said simply, opening our room door while Smokey explained to Jack what she'd meant.

I smiled and pulled him in, waving to Smokey. "Alright! How's my first motel rendezvous going to start?" I grinned, and then paused, seeing Haven, passed out, naked in the bed.

"Wow. That was impressively fast." Sam clapped silently.

I sighed and pulled him into the shower. "No use trying to wake her up, either. But I'm not letting this opportunity go to waste..."

He sighed at me, (which I found adorable,) and stripped his shirt off easily. "Good Boy." I poked his nose.

"Huh? Hmm? What?" I sat up, and Haven snorted at me.

"Get dressed. You wasted your 'few hours', so you can meet my father half asleep and smelling like sex. Don't blame me if he hates you immediately." She shrugged, and pulled on her boots.

"Wait... he can smell that? My pheromones are muted." I cocked my head.

"Sure, but your sweat glands and messy clothes aren't." She smirked, and spanked Sam. "Now wake up, suga, or I'll cut me a slice of Sam Cake too! Then he'll really hate you." She winked, and slipped out of the room.

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