13: Magic DMV

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.^^ Chilean Volcanic Glass Knife ^^

— Haven —

The truck drove off after I closed the front door of the City Fae Registry.

The massive complex of offices spanned almost 12 Acres, but every head in the place turned towards me, as my presence was announced.


I sighed, and rubbed my neck, approaching an empty cubicle, and sitting in front of a nymph. The green-skinned androgynous Elf smiled sweetly. "Hello Miss Haven! Wonderful to see you again so soon! Will you be withdrawing your deposit?"

"No, I want all my magical belongings transferred to the Spokane House account, #557959, then all my Non-Magical items stored in account #557960, and my apartment itemized and stored in the second account, accessible through my mobile safe." I set my velvet bag on the counter.

They nodded and tapped the bag, drawing the numbers on with a wand that spread Starlight, a very special type of magic that only a few Elves could use, making it the most secure of magical artifices.

"And would you like access to your magical account?" They asked, holding out a second bag.

"Yes, thank you. The next thing I need is all my monetary holdings and such, other than account #215656, be taken and placed into a trust, and that trust invested into the human market for my own use, as per Addendum 217." I nodded and set my folder on the desk.

They nodded and placed the folder in the hands of a young brownie, who slipped into the back rooms, and returned with a slip of paper.

I nodded and took it carefully, making sure to avoid his skin, and smiled. "Thank you, my dear."

He blushed and darted off.

The elf nodded. "Alright, and will you be needing to review your Prisoner's Cell, to ensure it fits your specifications?"

I winced, and sighed, nodding. "I suppose I have to... lead the way."

They led me into the back rooms, which were filled with cells of differing sizes and types, each holding some of the most dangerous beasts the world over.

At the very, very, very back, almost a mile down the hall, we reached a single cell, placed apart from the others by almost 200 yards.

The elf stopped, at the Boundary, and bowed, their skin paling at the scent of the magic in the air. "I-I'm Sorry, Miss Haven-"

"Don't Be. Stay here." I smiled as best I could, and approached the cell.

Purple, incandescent eyes shone through the bars of the padded cell, making me pause. She hissed, the air freezing in front of her mouth. Even locked in the most secure cell known to Elvenkind, her magical blood was simply too potent for them to restrain.

When I got close enough for her eyes (tragically shortsighted,) to see a vague outline of a human, She snarled savagely. "Have you come again? Have They sent you again to torture me?!? I WILL NOT BE SILENCED BY THEM!!! I WILL FIND MY CHILD, AND WE SHALL REND THEM ALL TO PIECES!!!"

I sighed, and sat down, pulling out a deck of cards. "No, no... no torture... just a game of Gin. Care to bet?"

She paused, as her eyes finally focused enough to see my face, and her irrational need to Gamble won out over her rage. She sat down, and grumbled at me, but accepted the cards I cautiously passed through the bars.

Breaking the MoonOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz