faking it

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Lee went to her spot.

The tree.

She didn't expect Percy to be there.

He was sitting, reading, like always. She hadn't invited him, or even told him she was going there.

He was just there because he wanted to be there.

Lee thought it was strange.

Percy always seemed to hate walking all the way to the tree. It was too far and too difficult. Though the view was pretty, he didn't really see why he had to put in so much effort.

Percy turned the page, reading the next as attentively as the last.

It was mid day, so the sun shone bright in the sky, giving a false idea of warmth.

It was cold as balls out.

Lee wore a few layers in an attempt to keep warm. She even put on a hat to save her ears from frostbite.

But no gloves.

Never gloves, she didn't like them. They were too bunchy, and she just rathered having cold fingers than unusable ones.

Lee didn't watch Percy like she usually would. She just sat down next to him, not saying a word.

"It took you long enough," Percy said in an even tone. "I've been bored with this book for the last half hour, waiting for you."

"If you were watin' on me, then you should have told me," Lee replied.

Percy shrugged, "I suppose you're right."

Percy put the book down. He also wore layered clothing. A blue sweater with a white P stood out to her. She had never seen him wear it before.

"Did you just get that sweater?" She asked.

"Yeah," Percy looked surprised by her question, "my mum made it."

"That's cool."

They sat in silence.

They did that often.

Neither was very good at conversation, but neither really minded. Lee was perfectly fine with just being near him, and Percy was too. They were quiet, but not boring or dull.

"It's too fucking cold to be out," Lee said as a shiver wracked through her body. "Do you want to go inside."

"Yes," Percy sighed in releif. "I was about to ask you the same."

Lee held a hand out to Percy, which he took. His hands were warm and felt nice against her ice cold skin.

"Merlin, your hands are cold!" Percy exclaimed. He took both of her hands in his and brought them to his mouth. He gave each hand a little kiss before letting go. "Why don't you wear gloves?"

"You're not wearing gloves either," Lee retorted.

"But my fingers aren't blue at the end."

Lee just laughed.


Lee couldn't tell if the man in front of her was being serious.

Gilderoy Lockhart was a confusing man.

He claimed greatness but Lee could never really tell where this greatness was. He was utterly average, thought to highly of himself, and was a terrible teacher. She was really staring to hate Defense Against the Dark Arts.

teenage dirtbag || percy weasley [HIATUS/ABANDONED]Where stories live. Discover now