take these broken wings

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"Now, I'm not one to get sentimental, so don't expect any mushy shit from me," Meredith scowled. "This is your last task, and I admit is a pretty good one."

"Yes," Jill excitedly clasped her hands together. "For your final task, you will be guarding the final task!"

She giggled at the joke. Lee could have sworn Meredith cracked a small smile.

"You lot will be stationed outside the arena, and on crowd control, to make sure no idiot comes along to muck things up," Meredith explained.

Lee thought of the twins. Mucking things up seemed to be their specialty.

"We will need four of you to patrol the floor, where the champions will be," Jill said. "This is probably the most difficult, as some of the crowd may try to run up and get their 15 seconds of fame."

"So, any volunteers?" Meredith growled.

All the trainees looked at each other, before the began to slowly raise their hands. Lee was one of them. Dumb schoolkids were easy to handle.

"Right, as for the rest of you," Jill carried on, assigning all the other trainees.

"Now that's all sorted, find a portkey," Jill instructed. "They'll be departing in about a minute."

Lee nodded and went to the nearest portkey, an old top hat. She gripped onto the item tightly, feeling a pull on her navel as Jill counted down to one.

Soon enough she was spinning through space and landing flat on her arse. Lee stood and brushed off the grass that stuck to her trousers.

"No time to waste, the task starts in an hour," Meredith yelled, already walking towards the Quidditch pitch.

What used to be the Quidditch pitch.

They had torn one of her favorite places apart. All for some stupid tournament.

"Ward, Aspen, Connors, Jameson," Meredith yelled. "Get down here."

The four trainees almost ran to the woman. They had all learned the hard way that Meredith was not a woman who could be kept waiting.

"Alright, there are some rules you need to know, common sense in my opinion, but apparently it's my legal obligation," Meredith rolled her eyes. "Basically, you cannot use a spell on an offender unless they attack you first. Try to verbally warn them to return to their place in the stands. Don't touch them."

Meredith glance to her partner, who was currently briefing the other trainees.

"You didn't hear me say this," she lowered her voice, "but stay vigilant. I've got a bad feeling about this, something doesn't seem right. I may be making it up, but my instincts have got me this far."

It wasn't often that the Auror was so vulnerable with them. She liked to maintain the tough exterior, but she did care about the kids.

She showed that when she personally escorted Lee to St. Mungos, after a stray blasting curse sent her flying. She only broke two bones, pretty lucky.

"Yes, ma'am," Lee agreed. She felt like the whole event was weird. She just assumed it was a muggleborn thing. Percy didnt seem that bothered by it.

Meredith just nodded and left the trainees. Lee wandered around the pitch, trying to get a feel for the area.

"So this is the uber exciting final test?" A familiar voice asked.

"Well, it's certainly better than fighting a rogue troll," Lee smirked.

"I believe my brother did that at eleven, how hard could it be?" Percy smirked.

"Your brother truly is the exception," Lee laughed. "That doesn't make him the rule."

teenage dirtbag || percy weasley [HIATUS/ABANDONED]Where stories live. Discover now