nothing to do, nowhere to go

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The Burrow stood tall, and a tad crooked. The home truly was an architectural feat.

Lee looked up at the building, summoning all of her courage. She dragged her trunk towards the door. A sharp inhale was followed by the rough drying of tears.

A quiet, tentative knock came from her hand hitting the door.

Lee waited a few agonizing minutes. The hot summer air whipped through her unusually long hair. Creaks of old wood came from inside the house. They got louder as the mystery person got closer.

The door swung open, revealing a very annoyed looking Molly Weasley.

"I'm so sorry to bother you Mrs. Weasley, but could I stay the night?" Lee looked down, feeling her emotions rise again.

Molly's face softened as she took in everything. From the trunk to the tear stained face. She usurped the girl into the home.

"Dear, what's wrong?" Molly asked, sitting Lee down at the kitchen table.

"Me and my mum got into a fight," Lee mumbled.

Molly put the kettle into the stove. She took out some well loved teacups. Lee would have smiled at the womans caring nature.

"Would you like to talk about it?" Molly questioned, sitting herself across from Lee.

Lee shrugged, "I dunno, it's not that big of a deal."

"It very much is, if it's got you this upset. Now tell me what happened."

Molly spoke sternly but kindly, the way only mothers could.

"I got home late from work," Lee started her story. "She thought I was out partying and such. Didn't believe me. Then I guess everything blew up on me," she took a deep breath and continued. "My mum never liked that I was a witch. Tried to keep me from Hogwarts. Wouldn't let me go to Diagon Alley to get the supplies. Thought everything was a joke.

"But I some how convinced my brother to take me."

"Please Nickie," the 11 year old Lee begged. "I promise I won't bother you ever again."

The older boy looked up from the magazine her was reading.

"We both know that ain't true," he snorted.

"Mum won't let me."

Lee knew her brother had an addiction to making their mother angry. He loved seeing her get flustered. He thought it was hilarious.

"What's it called again," he grinned mischievously. He grabbed his keys.

"Diagon Alley. I know where it is," Lee slipped after him.


The street was booming with life, and more importantly, magic.

Lee looked around in wonder as they passed various shops and stands. Wizards walked around wearing the most outrageous clothing she had ever seen. She loved it.

So did Nickie.

"Wow, Leah," he chuckled. Lee couldn't recall her brother ever looking happier. "I can't believe this is real."

"Me neither."

"Mum's gonna freak."

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