time's a changing

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In the weeks that followed Lee's arrival at the Burrow she fell into a routine.

She had been bumped up to Ginny's room, her stay with Percy being a one night deal.

She went to work when she was supposed to, building up her savings. As much as Lee appreciated the hospitality, she did want to get her own flat. A portion of her pay was given to the Weasleys, which was not an easy feat.

Mrs. Weasley outright denied every galleon Lee tried to give her. So Lee had to be creative and hide her rent around the home. She would drop a couple of coins into the sofa, leave a few out on the table, scatter some out on the floor.

Other than that obstacle, life was easy for Lee.

But there was one thing she really didn't like. The no smoking rule.

Said rule had not been instated by Mrs. Weasley, but by Percy.

"You can't smoke in here, love," he whispered in a rushed manner. "My mum will lose it. She doesn't need to know about the weed and stuff."

Lee giggled.

"You want her to believe your still a fuckin' square?" Lee taunted. "I think I ruined that for you."

"Yes, I suppose you did," Percy agreed, pushing his glasses up his nose. "But Mum doesn't need to worry about me. Shes got seven children to worry about, the least I can do is be the well-behaved son."

"Oh, the sacrifices I make for you," Lee gave him a kiss on the top of his head. "I'll try my best."

But, even at her best Lee couldn't do it.

After a week she became irritable and restless.

Two weeks and she could hardly stand it, so she went to a muggle drugstore and bought some nicotine patches. They helped. Until they didn't.

So now, at week three Lee had given up. She couldn't just quit cold turkey, she could be like those drug addicts who die from quitting so abruptly. That was one excuse she used to make herself feel better as she walked as far away from the Burrow as she could get.

Lee stopped at a tree, one that looked a little too familiar to be chance. It was far enough away from the house that no one would be able to tell she was smoking, but could see where she was.

Good enough, she decided.

Lee pulled out a cigarette and lit it with speed unknown to man. If she were an overly emotional woman, she would have cried with relief. She settled for a satisfied sigh.

Lee lay down on the soft, green grass. She stared at the impossibly blue sky. The Weasleys sure knew how to pick a spot to live.

When she finished her cigarette, feeling much more like herself, Lee pulled out a joint. She didn't have many left, as she had left her large stash at her parents house. All she had came from her rainy day collection.

Instead of lighting it, Lee stared for a moment. It seemed she had a nicotine addiction, not that she would admit that anytime soon. But she did question her choices. She had one summer before Auror training kicked off.

Did she really want to spend her free time smoking? Was it worth it?

Lee decided it was.

She felt the most herself when she was high. So free, no worries. Lee like that version of her. The version that wasn't dragged down by her less than ideal past.

But looking at the joint, Lee decided that it was time to put weed behind her, at least for now. She felt like she heard from some prissy Ravenclaw that it was bad for you. Something about brain development. Lee couldn't quite remember.

teenage dirtbag || percy weasley [HIATUS/ABANDONED]Where stories live. Discover now