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Lee sat in the library, studying her defense book.

An actual defense book.

Lee had somehow managed to actually learn things by herself. She was somewhere in between proud and surprised.

The page turned and she continued to read.

She looked up when a hand tapped her shoulder. Lee turned to see a girl, holding a pile of books and a small hand mirror.

"You're muggleborn, aren't you?" the girl asked.

"Yeah, why are you askin'?"

"Well," the girl looked a little nervous, "It's time for dinner and I thought since it's dangerous for muggle born like us to be out we could go together."

Lee's eyes widened as she realized that this girl was probably scared. Everyone was. Lee nodded and stood from her chair.

"Sure, I was getting hungry anyways," Lee smiled.

"Thank you," the girl set her books down and opened one.

Lee began to put her things away. The girl opened one of the books and ripped out a page. The girl quickly explained when Lee gave her a confused look.

"I think I figured out what's causing everything," the girl told Lee in a hushed voice.


The girl pointed to the page. It was about Basilisks. Lee skimmed over the page.

"I think someone would notice if a giant snake was in Hogwarts," Lee said.

"It's traveling through the pipes."


Lee took the quill she had been using for notes, and hadn't put away yet. She quickly scribbled the word 'pipes' and underlined it.

"So next time someone sees it they know what you're thinkin'," Lee said, in response to the girls confused look.

"It's Hermione, by the way," she held out her hand.

Lee laughed and took it.

"I guess your parents liked Shakespeare, too," Lee grinned. "Ophelia, but prefer to be called Lee."

The girl smiled.

"Why haven't you gone to any professors about this?" Lee asked, genuinely curious. This was a fairly important discovery.

"I only just figured it out, and all the professors are in the great hall," Hermione gathered up the remaining items on the table and turned towards the door. "I'm going to speak with Dumbledore at dinner, so we should get going."

Her eyes widened as she remembered something very important.

"Oh, and look into this mirror, so if we do run into the snake, the worst that can happen in paralysis."

"There's something worse?"

"The other result is death."

Lee liked her lips, not really liking how lucky all the students had been thus far. She nodded and the two left the library.

The walked backwards using the mirror to guide them. Lee felt quite stupid, but walking normal wasn't worth risking her life.

They had just made it out of the library when they both heard a hissing noise. Lee usually would have dismissed it as being a strange nice of the century's old magic castle, but now she new better.

Lee heard the crumbling of paper as she watched a pair of eyes come into view.

Large, yollew eyes stared at her in the mirror, taking away something Lee held very dear.

teenage dirtbag || percy weasley [HIATUS/ABANDONED]Where stories live. Discover now