Buried History

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Dusty shale falls around me
And sweat drips down my back
As I strike the bedrock harder
The surface begins to crack

I break this shell to take the plunge
Into the depths of the unknown
Unlocking the secrets of the past
In each fragment of bone

With each layer I get deeper:
The abyss of mystery unbound
As the stories are uncovered
Of the ghosts resting in the ground

From the floor of the sea
The humble trilobite
To the Megalodon lurking above
And it's otherworldly bite

Tiny tiptoes of tiktaalik
As from the sea you rise
Feathered spread of archaeopteryx
Your legacy will rule the skies

We read a new page of life's history
The secrets the rocks  hide
Spirits waiting miles beneath the Earth
Buried deep inside.

Tailwind: Poems by a Teenage NaturalistOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora