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I fly alone

A flock of one.
Others tried to reach me
I could hear their calls
But you see,
Although I yelled with all my might,
All they could heard was my whispers
And they did not notice them.

I tried to reach them
I put all my might into listening to what they had to say.
Sometimes it would help, and I would get closer to landing.
But then something would happen
And the thermals would push you away.

I fly alone.

Then you came
A speck on the horizon
I heard your song
It was not the melody that struck me
But the undertones of confusion
That mirrored my own.
It was not long

Before we flew together.
Sometimes my tears would be the melody
Other times your thoughts would be the song
And by flying together
We learned we could be strong.

I fly alone no more.
In these vast skies I have learned
There is always someone waiting
Who can make brighter skies soar

Tailwind: Poems by a Teenage NaturalistWhere stories live. Discover now