Lessons from a Dove

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We need to learn a lesson
And take these chains off of our hearts
Take a look around you
Spring is a time for new starts
Doves fly around together
As flirtatious as anyone could be
But it is not their wings
That allow their love to fly free
A dove falls in tune
With the soul of another
They will spend their lives
Caring for each other
They do not care
How their special one chooses to be
They fall for the soul; the song
And not the rules of society
We could all learn from the dove
And treat what others have as true.
Their strength lasts through the winter
And arises in spring anew.

It should matter not whom you are
And whom you decide to be
Love is precious; a lifetime call
Why can't we let everyone fly free.
Next time someone wounds another
With their razor sharp, opinionated words
Remember even nature sees all as precious.
Recall the songs of these soulful birds:
Love is love.

Tailwind: Poems by a Teenage NaturalistWhere stories live. Discover now