Lonely Blackbird

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Lonely Blackbird
Upon rushing water's edge
Keeping silent vigil:
A Faithful grasp on your swaying hedge.

How do you know,
Oh lonely Blackbird?
When the day's gone by.
Lone guardian of the riverbed,
I take heed your mournful cry

Once upon a time
You guarded something,
But now that thing has gone.
And the only memory left to you
Is your soulful song.

At one point you beamed brilliance:
Nothing did you fear.
But your once glowing colors
Have all but disappeared.

The rivers flowing through the night
Mirrors your trickling sorrow.
Your mind rides the current through the night
Into the desparate morrow.

Mourning all that you once had,
No hope you have in sight.
Abandoning your wings to the past:
Is such path really right?

Perhaps such sorrowful river
Is not there to stay in mourn.
But is there to remind you,
That flight can be reborn.

Take my words
Oh lonely Blackbird
Spread your wings to flight
Memories are not there
To weigh you down.
But to take them with you
To grasp tight.

Fly away,
My Lonely Blackbird
And let your spirits rise.
Escape the gravity of desolation,
And claim flight's ultimate prize.

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