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Can I let go of
The echoes of the past
So I can be free?

Will I see past it
This darkness within my mind
Which I cannot flee

I throw my heart up
Reaching out into the void
Looking for something

But all I can find
Is the smallest of all flames.
I must nurture it

Hope will send away
My dreary, foggy prison
And I will prevail

A prisoner within
Bound by a whirlwind of thought
Who knew I'd break free

Light in the darkness
Now my flame is a fire
Now I can fly free

Echoes never leave
I carry the memories
Scars you can not see

But I am stronger
This bright fire within me.
Echoes are not dark

They are the whispers
The past is a part of me
They do not define

Who I am

Tailwind: Poems by a Teenage NaturalistOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora