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Hear us
Hear our voices
Hear our cries
Our anger and scorn
Today we stand together
Today we mourn
And from that despair we rise
The next generation
We don't want a compromise

We are not political tools
Numbers on a screen
Ballots in a box
We are the children of the world
And today we unite
We will not end this fight
Until justice is delivered.

Today is not just the students of
One country being heard
For today a United Nation
Becomes the United World
Today we combine as one
And by the time this day is done
Your voices will have reached every corner of this Earth.

We will not give up
We will be heard
Because today
No words go unspoken
No songs go unsung

When the students of this world
Are united as one


I live in a city that spans beyond nations. Our town lies both North and South of the US-Canada border.

But today, there are no borders.

Today the words of the World's youth echo across every continent.

Today we stand to end violence

Today we stand to remember those who are lost

Today we stand together

Today we call out to the world

Starting in the US

Reaching well beyond

Things MUST change

We stand.


Can you hear us now?

Tailwind: Poems by a Teenage NaturalistDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora