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Entrapped within a summery illusion
The fusion of emerald hues and docile days
Could only last so long in reality's frays
Though ignoring the unwraveling strands I tried
My true colours began to show;
I was burning on the inside.

And before I knew that fire had blazed beyond my being
And it was clear that what I was seeing
Was my very soul emblazoned on each reaching arm
As every tree sought shelter from the harm.
These flickering flames caused not by fire,
But by ice.

And though it was the frost to ignite this flame
Beauty is not one to remain the same.
For the once green world which I knew
Like a rising phoenix has been born anew
In death and soon
With each passing moon
Secrets are revealed amongst the ashes of the fallen sparks.

And the bare branches, the bones of who I am
Is all that survives this change
The frozen echoes of smoke touching a range
Well beyond what I will ever be able to understand.

I walk through the bare bones of the forest
Once brazen brilliant souls laid to rest on the forest floor
Memories of faux green fade away
I know I can linger on the past no more.

Tailwind: Poems by a Teenage NaturalistWhere stories live. Discover now