strange boys on the plane

19K 406 7

I walked to the airport terminal where my plane would be departing. I walked down the isal of seats finding my assigned seat. I found it and sat down. This plane was going straight to Korea Seoul.

My thoughts were interrupted when suddenly 12 boys walked onto the plane. I crossed my fingers praying their seats were not next to mine.

God did not listen to my prayer because six of them took a seat next to me. Three on each side of me. It looks like i picked the wrong seat.

I looked at my bags that lay before my on the ground. I bent over picked my bag up and grabbed my ipod that was in it and stuck in my headphones in my ears ignoring the boys seated next to me.

soon I approached dreamland because the soothing music filled my ears making me sleepy.

I woke up to not six but twelve faces looking at me. I stared back at them eyes wide open before i lunged up hitting my head against the aircraft ceiling. I completely forgot i was in a airplane. I looked back at the strange boys before awkwardly sitting back down.

I hear one laugh while the other talk in Korean. My Korean is not fluent and i didn't really care what they were talking about so once again i put in my headphones listening to music.

I continued listening to music until a voice in the background said "we will be landing soon" i took out my headphones and fastened my seatbelt ready for landing. And before i knew it i was officially in South Korea.

EXO high school bullies (complete)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora