Explain why you hate us?

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Luhan p.o.v

me and the boys were walking around the school but those annoying fangirls keep following us. im getting sick and tired of it. I was looking around for that girl hates us so much. whats her name again oh yea Mi. she is soo pretty but I really wonder why she hates us.

I found her in the backyard of the school headphones in her ears listening to music I sat beside her and took a head piece and put it in ny ear. Mi jumped and asked what I was doing. I ignored her a played back down.
Mi why do you and your friends hate EXO? Luhan
you guys really dont know do you? Mi
no we dont Luhan
you guys were my best friends till you all stopped talking to the 'loser' of the school ever since then I always hated you guys Mi

she then stood up and left me there

I could not believe I treated the most beautiful girl like that. I stood up and tried to find EXO. I found then in our dance studio. I told then what happened.
I think I might like her Luhan
you cant like her im trying to hurt her friend and desides she is a loser with her loser friends Tao
im gonna have to agree with Tao what if she hurts you? Chanyeol
yea well we hurt her too you know? Luhan
just forget about them we debut in 2 days we need to practise! Suho
Suho is so right lets get started! Xuimin

I rolled my eyes at his sillines and got on with the practice.

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