Sappy and Yeolli

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Sapna p.o.v

Everyone seems happy but Fono. She has been picking her food up with her fork and examining it like its some special species. Chanyeol sat next to me and is really happy. His smile is so contagious.

"Hey Fono what's wrong?" Bom asked while pouting. She is really baby faced and can literally make anyone fall for her. Fono raised her head and smiled weakly. "just tired." she then checked the time. "SHIT! WE'RE LATE FOR CLASS" she got up and ran out the door followed by Robyn and Sehun. 10 seconds later Robyn came back.

"I forgot my bubble tea" We laughed at her as she carresed her bubble tea. and ran out the door again. We all slowly got up and left. How can those three be not tired in the morning. I felt a hand touch mine. I looked up to see Chanyeol smiling at me. I returned the gesture.

His Yoda ears sticking out of his hat was so cute. His smile was so contagious. cough cough. Xiumin and Baekhyun faked a cough. ughh you ruin everything!!!

Chanyeol p.o.v

Sapna is a really funny girl. I really wonder how nobody could not like her. She can really make me laugh and smile.

I just loved the way she laughed and smiled at me. I just wish I could be the only one she looks at.

EXO high school bullies (complete)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt