Chapter 5

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Lilly gently placed Toby's head on her lap as he began to cry "Toby, it's O.K., I'm here." Lilly cooed, holding onto Toby as she began to sing to him "Come, stop your crying, it will be alright; just take my hand, hold it tight, I will protect you; I will be here, don't you cry." She sang softly as Toby stopped crying "I wish I could help you, Lilly; but I can't." Toby whimpered with his head on her shoulder "You are, though; you helped me get through a lot." Lilly replied with a soothing voice "Your voice is soothing and calm when you sing to me." Toby chuckled looking at Lilly "Thanks." Lilly replied sheepishly "Kids! Dinner!" Nurse Amy said as she knocked on the door "May I come in, children?" She asked as she unlocked the door without allowing them to reply to her question "Alright, you little brats; it's time for dinner." She said gruffly as she grabbed them by the arms and forced them to walk down the hallway "No talking or you get another punishment." She growled, looking at Lilly "And I'm sure you know the consequences of the little stunt you pulled at breakfast, right, Lilly?" She told Lilly mockingly and gave her a cruel smile "Pfft." Lilly growled as she rolled her eyes "You and the boy are the main ones who get on my damn nerves!" She gritted her teeth as she threw them into the cafeteria "And, Lilly, I will be watching a hawk." She said with a sinister tone in her voice "Pft, yeah, right." Lilly muttered as she folded her arms as she looked at her tray of food "This looks good." Toby replied, putting his spoon in the tray of mush "Ugh, it looks like mold and slime." Lilly replied with a disgusted look on her face as Toby began eating it "You're gross, Toby." Lilly muttered, looking away and stared out the window "Can I have your mush, then?" Toby asked Lilly as she pushed her tray to him with a fork "Knock yourself out." Lilly replied as she drank her milk as Toby ate her food quickly as he can "I'm sorry, but that's gross." Lilly groaned as she got up and walked to their cell 

Lilly's P.O.V.

How can Toby be so..chipper and happy? I'm not even that giddy, I mean, I was; until..that day happened. If I were Toby, I would be spiteful and angry at people; but, he's not like me though, we're different. I'm different. I thought to myself as I pulled my blankets over my head and fell asleep 

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