Chapter 18

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As Toby and Lilly ran back to Blackthorn's main entrance, Beth was standing there holding an axe in hands, her hair messy, her skin pale, her uniform covered in dirt and maggots, shoe missing, and her eyes glazed over

"Is that Beth?" Lilly asked in disbelief as Toby frantically shaked his head "no", not believing what he saw, his eyes widened in horror as Beth stood in front of them, smiling at them, blood coming out of her mouth "It is Beth; she has a mark on her forehead where she got hit at." Toby gasped, looking at the long scarred gash on her forehead "Hello, children." Beth growled as she limped towards them, her high heel clacking slowly on the tile floor "Let's play a game; you two come forth to me, and I'll kill you fast and painless." She said, her glazed eyes met Toby's, his widening in horror as Lilly looked as her balling her fists "No." Lilly growled as Beth swung her axe at them; missing Lilly's head and hit the concrete walls instead, making her growl in frustration and swung again, hitting Lilly's arm, making her wince and cry out in pain "Son of a b...ow!!" Lilly cried out holding her arm as she backed away from her  never breaking eye contact with her "Let's use a tourniquet on that cut, shall we? Follow me and we'll mend that right up." Beth said sinisterly as she walked closer to Lilly "G-get away from me." Lilly growled picking up a stick and attempted to swing at Beth but missed making her laugh "You think that's gonna stop me? You little brats didn't even kill me; I was knocked out, but not dead." Beth laughed gripping her axe tighter, making her knuckles white "Told you." Toby whispered as she got closer to them and laughed maniacally as she raised her weapon "You two are going to pay for what you did to Amy." Beth growled and swung her axe once more and hit Toby's leg making him drop to his knees and winced in pain "That's gonna leave a bruise." Toby chuckled, dusting off his pants and getting up "Fast recovery." Lilly said as she helped Toby up and picked up a rusted old pipe to use as a weapon "I'm done fighting you little brats!" Beth shouted as she  ran towards Toby and Lilly with her axe raised up "Same." Lilly replied sarcastically and swung the rusty pipe back and forth, finally hitting Beth's head causing it to fly across the room and landing in a corner with a soft thud sound "Ew." Lilly chuckled and cleaned blood off the pipe "She's officially dead. Let's free the others." Lilly said urgently and began to run down the hallway, leaving Toby behind "Hey! Wait up!" Toby shouted as he ran towards Lilly and made their way to the security room where the keys to the cells were   

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