Chapter 9

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Toby and Lilly were walking down the hallway and heard a familiar voice singing 'ring around the rosie' eerily and giggling "It's the girl who got me into trouble with Amy." Lilly whispered and Toby gently took her hand "Watch this. This'll teach her a lesson." Toby replied as he grabbed the girl and threw her into the broom closet "Hey! Let me out! What the hell?! It's dark in here! Let me out!!" The girl screamed and begged as she pounded on the door and jiggled the door handle as an attempt to free herself from the claustrophobic prison "Nice!" Lilly whispered as she hugged Toby "No time for that; we gotta get out of here." Toby replied as he grabbed her hand and quietly ran down the hallway and led her to an abandoned laundry chute "What the hell are we doing here?" Lilly asked, her eyes widened and her hair frizzy from running with Toby "Laundry chute; it hasn't been used in years since the nurses got more help in the laundry room "Oh, ok. Where does it lead to?" Lilly questioned, causing Toby to make eye contact with her as he attempted to open the chute "It leads us to the courtyard; and after the courtyard, is our main exit." Toby replied, smiling at her as he gestured her to crawl inside the chute "How are you going to get inside? You need a boost up." Lilly replied concerningly as she raised her eyebrows "Don't worry, I'll be right behind you;just keep going straight and take a left. You'll be fine. I promise." Toby replied reassuringly and hugged Lilly "Ok, I trust you, Toby." Lilly replied as Toby crawled in behind her and followed her through the narrow vent "You alright, Lilly?" Toby asked as she almost fell through a soft spot from the rust "I'm good; just a rusty spot." Lilly replied as Toby avoided the spot "We're almost there." Toby whispered quietly as Lilly began to reach towards the end of the vent "Now where do we go?" Lilly replied, her hair covered in cobwebs and her knee beared a few scratches and cuts along her shins "We go to...the security ward; we have to disable the alarm and cameras." Toby whispered and gestured Lilly to follow him again "How do we do that? I don't know how to disable anything." Lilly replied, her voice shaking from nervousness and stared  at the ceiling "I have my ways." Toby chuckled evilly as he quietly walked into the wardens' room "We're safe, come in." Toby reassured Lilly who was lurking in the doorway "Ok." Lilly whispered, her eyes widening and quietly walked in with Toby "Cameras are disabled; and now, we disarm the alarm." Toby said confidently as Lilly watched Toby in amazement "How did you do that?" Lilly whispered in curiosity "I hacked into the system; the warden was dumb enough to leave the password and code laying around." Toby chuckled as the cameras began to get blurry and the alarm's lights stopped blinking "Let's blow this joint." Lilly replied as she grabbed Toby's hand and began to run down the hallway. As they began to run away, Nurse Amy and Nurse Beth were at the other side waiting for them to get closer "Not them; not now." Lilly growled as Toby narrowed his eyebrows to make an attempt to glimpse at them "It can't be." Toby replied with a nervous tone in his voice as the nurses got closer to them 

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