Chapter 7

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Toby held Lilly as she cried and left tears on Toby's shirt "Lilly, it's ok, you're not a monster; you're hurting yourself by saying that about yourself." Toby  said comfortingly as he gently rubbed her back and Lilly cried softly "Toby..." Lilly whimpered and held Toby closer to her "It's ok, Lilly."  Toby replied as he hugged her and her back twitched 

Toby's P.O.V.

I forgot Lilly twitches sometimes; I saw her arch her back, that usually means she twitches; mostly she convulses at times and it worries me a bit because of how the nurses and staff treat her; she isn't a criminal..she's a lost soul; all of us are lost souls who came here for help, instead of getting help, we came to hell on earth. Blackthorne isn't a safe haven, it's a place where people come to die. I think to myself as I watch Lilly wake up. "T-Toby." Lilly whimpered, her hair covering her eye as she looked up at me, reaching for me like a child wanting it's mother to pick it up. 

Lilly whimpered and reached her arms out to Toby as a sign to hug her close to him; Toby got up from the chair and walked towards her bed and sat next to her and he gently put his arms around her "I want to go home, Toby." Lilly whispered as tears ran down her face "I know, me too,  we will, though; soon." Toby replied, his hands gently rubbing her back, causing her to flinch at his touch "When, though? The nurses don't allow us to go near the exit, unless there's an emergency." Lilly whispered and rested her head on Toby's shoulder "There's no escape here." Lilly whispered quietly, causing her voice to crack from her screaming previously at the nurses to let her go. "There is a way." Toby replied, his eyes filled with determination "How? The nurses and guards will kill us before we leave, it's too dangerous, Toby. I already lost my loved one; I don't want to lose another one." Lilly whimpered, looking into his eyes "I'll tell you tonight. Meet me in the belfry; we're going to plot something." Toby said, holding her close to him " me, you're not going to lose me; I'm always here for you." Toby reassured Lilly, making her smile. Before he could say anything else, the nurse walked in "Dinner's ready. Glad to see you awake, Miss Lily." She smirked before she walked out and left the door open to let them out and Lilly gave her a cold stare as her and Toby followed behind the nurse to the cafeteria 

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