Chapter 19

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Toby and Lilly grabbed the keys to the cell doors and walked down the narrow hallways, passing rows and rows of cells and inmates screaming as they pounded on the doors, begging them for freedom "Ready to change their lives?" Toby asked, tilting his head in curiousity as Lilly smiled and nodded "Yes, they deserve to be free; so do we." Lilly replied and unlocked the first door

A female inmate's eyes widened in astonishment as the cold air hit her causing her to shudder and she smiled, tears dripping down her face "I haven't seen the outside in so long." She whispered, her hospital gown covered in filth and an IV needle sticking out of her arm "Thank you." She cried out, hugging Lilly and Toby as she took out the needle and ran for freedom; never looking back "Let's free the rest of them." Lilly said, unlocking all the doors and windows of the rooms as the patients ran out of their cells and disappeared, not knowing what will happen; it didn't matter to them, they were free, including Toby and Lilly 

"What'll we do now?" Lilly asked, her eyes wandering around the empty room of a patient who escaped "We escaped death, we survived the horrors of Blackthorne, and we let mental asylum inmates free into society." Toby replied and smiled at Lilly "This is one hell of an adventure." Lilly said and her eyes filled with tears as they walked out of the room and headed for the attic to grab their belongings "We gotta grab out suitcases and our patient files; we got personal stuff in that." Toby whispered and opened the attic door "Let's go look for our suitcases and get the hell out." Lilly replied as she began to roam around the room trying to find her suitcase 

At long last, she found it; her old suitcase that's been locked in there for a long time "I found mine!" Lilly shouted as she opened it to see if her personal items were still there "My stuff's still in here." Lilly said, looking through the dusty old bag and found a picture of her parents "Who are they?" Toby asked curiously looking at the photo as Lilly smiled "My parents." Lilly replied tears falling down her face and landing onto the photo "I wonder if they're still alive." Lilly said, looking at Toby who was looking for his bag when he found it, he decided it was time to go and leave this place, and never return 


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